EP.154|If You're the One Protecting Me...Then Who's the One Protecting You

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EP.154|If You're the One Protecting Me...Then Who's the One Protecting You

CJ walked on the ominous foggy pier, looking for her father’s ship. Something’s not right...it’s too quiet. CJ slowly reached for the handle of her sword.

Hook’s pirate crew was never quiet, especially today. See, today was the day Hook created his pirate crew, normally there would be a celebration, but nothing.

She got to the ship to see it was silent, completely silent. CJ walked up to the deck, the floor creaking, causing crows to fly out, spooking CJ a bit.

Just birds, chill CJ. she opened the door to the lower deck to see a dim light. She walked forwards, unsheathing her sword when she heard voices “come out! I have a sword and I’m not afraid to use it!” CJ called out.

“Miss CJ?” “Smee?” CJ sheathed her sword. She grabbed a lamp, turning it on, she shined it towards the voice to see the entire crew, beside her mother and father, tied up.

“What the hell happened to you?” CJ began untying the crew. “It’s Pan and them damn lost boys.” Smee said, CJ finally untying him. “Them damn lost boys.” CJ growled.

“How the hell are they here?” CJ asked, untying Darlene. “They came the day the Hero's attacks the Villain Isles.” Darlene said.
“I thought we killed Pan.” CJ muttered. “Apparently not, them dam lost boys are small but they fight hard.” Heather groaned, rubbing her back.

“That’s the lost boys motto.” CJ quickly turned around to see all the lost boys.

“I bet you’re surprised to see us, CJ.” the second in command, Slightly, said smugly. He wore a fox costume and was the tallest of the lost boys.

“I thought I killed you!” CJ yelled, unsheathing her sword, pointing it at the lost boys.

“Yeah!” Nibs agreed, he wore rabbit costume. I forgot, he’s the one who doesn't talk much. CJ sighed.

“Pan was right,” one of the twins, Marmaduke, circled around CJ “you really are like your dad” the other twin, Binky, finished his sentence.

Bink reached for CJ’s sword “back off, twins! No lost boy hands on my sword!” CJ yelled. “You can't tell us what to do!” Chubby, the toughest of them all, scolded, he had bear costume on.

“Give us the sword!” the smallest one, Tootles, wrote on his white board, he wore a skunk costume.

“Hell no! Get out of here before I turn you all into particles of dust!” CJ warned, the lost boys began laughing. “CJ, we’re not scared of you.” Slightly laughed.

“You should be,” CJ’s sword turned into a dusk disk, she threw it at Nibs, almost hitting his head “tell me where my parents are at, or I cute all of you.” CJ created balls of dust around the Lost Boys.

“Do you remember what Carlos did to Philip,” the Lost Boy’s faces turned pale “see, I can do the same thing to you, if I wanted to, but I don't wanna go to jail. It’s not fun. So, either you tell me where my parents are, or I cut you.”

Tootles began writing on his white board “Tootles! Don't you dare tell her!” Chubby scolded. Tootles turned the white board around for it to read “below us.”

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