EP.132|A Demon's Promise

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EP.132|A Demon's Promise

Hunter's eyes fluttered open, the first thing he saw was the scarlet sky, instantly reminding him of Operetta.

"Mal..." Hunter rasped. "Hey, stay down, you haven't healed all the way yet." Mal pushed Hunter back down.

"Where is she?" Hunter asked. "Um...just lay down." Mal sighed. "But...Operetta...she's..." Hunter coughed up blood

"We know, we're gonna find her. Don't worry. Demon's Promise." Mal smiled. "You're really gonna waste your Demon's Promise on this?" Hunter chuckled.

"Of course! Operetta's your mate, I know you're angry that she's not here right now and you wanna kill whoever has her now, and we're gonna find her and get her back." Mal promised, Hunter smiled.

"Demon's Promise?" Hunter asked, raising his hand. "Demon's Promise." Mal and Hunter clasped, a purple and black mist surrounding their hands, a binding contract between the two demons was finally made.

Carlos slept in his sleeping bag, the same voice he heard earlier that day he could hear in his sleep.

"Axel!" she yelled her voice filled with happiness in glee as she ran towards the red-headed boy, tackling him in a hug. 

"My Desert Flower!" Axel smiled, the two soon falling to the soft green grass, still coated with the morning dew.

"I missed you, Axel." she ruffled the boy's red hair, it was so soft and fluffy. "I miss you too, Sabrina" Axel smile grew, he finally got his Desert Flower back.

"We can finally do all the things we wanted to." Sabrina rested her head on his chest. "Like what?" Axel smirked devilishly. "Not now silly," Sabrina laughed, slapping Axel's chest slightly.

"Why not," Axel semi-whined "I've waited too long to be with you again." Axel snaked his arms around her hips.

"Yes, I know, but shouldn't we savor this moment the best we can," Sabrina sat atop of Axel "I want to make love Axel, not like how we always do it."

"Well, isn't that what we always do?" Axel asked, his hands running under her red dress.

"No," Sabrina slapped his hand away, "when we do it, it's always hard and fast." Sabrina laid down on his chest, her legs wrapped around his waist.

"I want it to be more about the love, not just who can finish first. I love you, Axel, that's why, I want you to take it slow, be gentle, I want to feel your love for me in every touch and every kiss." Sabrina explained.

"There was just so much pent up desire and love between us the first time we did it. Is that love still there?" She asked, looking at the red headed boy. "Of course there is, I'm just worried that it won't live up to your expectations."

"Why wouldn't it? I love you more than life itself, Axel. Every touch sends fireworks through my body, every kiss makes me want to scream out your name to the gods and goddesses, every time you say my name I get this shiver of excitement."

Axel chuckled as he watched his girlfriend ramble on out the pleasure he gives her "well," Axel turned Sabrina over, he was now towering over her "I didn't know I did that to you."

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