EP.153|Any Apple Ruins The Bunch

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EP.153|Any Apple Ruins The Bunch

Evie arrived at Esther castle to see it was covered in vines, she looked at the vines to see apples coming out of them. "Winter..." she crushed the apple in her hands, just like that, memories of Winter's torment came back to her.

"I don't want to leave my baby!" Esther cried, holding Evie in her arms. Today was the first day of kindergarten, and as you can see, Esther doesn't want to let her go yet.

"Esther, she's gonna be late," Maleficent warned her. "But what am I gonna do till 3:30?" Esther cried a bit. "We can go out for lunch, now, let...Evie...go!" Maleficent pried Evie from Esther's arms.

"I gotta go, mommy! See ya!" Evie smiled, running towards her classroom. "I miss her already." Esther's lip quivered, Maleficent chuckled when Evie came back, hugging her mom "I miss you too."

Evie ran inside the class to see everyone was already sitting together, Evie sat in the one empty table in the back of the class.

"Alright class, welcome to your first day of kindergarten! My name is Miss Crystal and I'll be your teacher. I want you all to get with a partner and learn each other's names."

All the kids began getting into groups, Evie kept sitting in the back of the room until a girl with short purple hair came up to her.

"Want to be partners?" she asked, Evie nodded, the girl pulled up a chair and sat next to him. "I'm Malena Maleficent, you can just call me Mal." Mal introduced. "Evianna Queen, just call me Evie." Evie smiled.

"Hey, wanna see something cool." Mal whispered, Evie nodded, Mal then pulled out a dragon egg "I found it outside, isn't it cool." Evie's eyes glistened with excitement.

"That's amazing! I've always wanted to see a real dragon egg." Evie gasped, she tried reaching to grab it but it rolled off the table and on the ground, it stopped at a pair of small feet.

Evie looked up to see a boy about her hair with scruffy brown hair "hi." he greeted, a warm smile on his face "I'm Jasper Damoola."

"Evie Queen." Evie smiled, shaking hands with Jasper. He then heard mowing coming from Evie's bookbag. "Um...is there something in your bookbag?" Jasper asked, sweat dropping.

"Yeah, let me show you." Evie and Jasper sat at the table, she opened her book bag to reveal a baby kitten. "I named her Poison Apple."

Jasper petted the little kitten "it's adorable."

"What kind of freak brings a kitten on the first day of school." Winter White snickered. Evie slumped down in her chair. "Who the hell bullies a kid on the first day." Jasper shot back.

"Nobody was talking to you Snake Boy." Winter scowled. "And nobody was talking to you, Winter." Mal stuck out her tongue.

"This is why we shouldn't let VKs in our school," the girl next to Winter scoffed "they're just a bunch of rats." "shut up, Briar." Mal scolded.

"And your just a bunch of prissy snot bags." Evie rolled her eyes. "That's because the heroes always win." Winter smiled triumphantly. "Check Avengers: Infinity War, they didn't win here honey," Jasper smirked.

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