EP.160|The Trouble of Sleep

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EP.160|The Trouble of Sleep

Lucifer walked in the darkness of his own mind, walking around with Ben and Zypher. “So, were you and Swan close?” Ben asked, drawing a card. “Yeah,” Lucifer blushed “you can say that.”

“He marked her.” Zypher smirked. “You marked Swan?!” Ben was shocked. “Yeah, I mean, if you saw how beautiful, smart, powerful Swan is, you would mark her too.” Lucifer’s blush deeped.

“Awe! You lllooovvveee Swan.” Ben cooed, pinching Lucifer’s cheeks. “When’d you know you wanted to mark her?” Ben asked.

“It was mid autumn.” Lucifer narrated.

Lucifer relaxed under the mid autumn sun, basking in it’s radiance. “Lucifer.” Swan’s voice caused him to open one of his eyes to see Swan standing over him in all her glory.

“What are you doing sleepy head?” Swan raised her eyebrows as Lucifer seeped into a pile of leaves and muttered “trying to sleep.”

“You so stupid.” Swan laughed, soon being pulled down by Lucifer. “Let’s just stay here in the leaves all day, Swan.” Lucifer mutter into her black hair.

Swan chuckled and slipped out of his arms, “come on, we promised would read to the kids at Sunflower Elementary.”

Lucifer groaned, he was all for doing good and reading to kids and stuff, but today he didn't want to do anything but be lazy.

Lucifer got up and sighed, walking with Swan till they got to a little school house, “remember to be nice.” Swan reminded him. “Swan, when am I not nice?” Lucifer smiled slyly.

“Yesterday when you almost kicked my bunny, the other day when you burnt a cake in my oven and blamed it on Giles. Last Tuesday when you hid Courtly’s cards in a dragon nest. Last Monday-” Swan listed, Lucifer had a deadpan look on his face which made her stop.

“It was a rhetorical question.” Swan giggled, Lucifer blushed a bit. Her laugh is so beautiful. Ever since they were little, Lucifer’s always had a crush on Swan. Telling her however, that’s a whole different story.

“Lucifer? Hello? You still there?” Swan waved in Lucifer’s face, snapping him out of his trance. “Yeah, I’m good.” Lucifer smiled innocently, trying to throw Swan off his trail.

Swan and Lucifer entered the school to see all the kids sitting in a circle on a colorful rug. “Alright kids, today we’re going to have story time with a special guest.” the teacher, Mrs. Amy, said.

Swan smiled sweetly at the kids, she nudged Lucifer and gritted “smile.” Lucifer rolled his eyes and forced a smile. “Alright, so,” Swan sat down in front of the kids “who wants to hear a story?”

She grabbed a book called Jack and the Beanstalk and began reading. Lucifer wasn’t paying attention to the story, he could honestly care less about Jack and the Beanstalk, all his focus was on Swan.

She was just so...so beautiful to him. She was different than the other girls he’s been with, Swan would read to kids, help a random stranger in need, always saw the good in people, never judge anyone without facts.

But the main reason he loved Swan was because she didn't leave him. Anybody could see that Lucifer had some arrogance and annoyance in him, he wasn’t a big people person, he had this aura that would just drive people away.

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