EP.140|Demon Blood Roses

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EP.140|Demon Blood Roses

Days till wedding: 8 days 13 hours and 31 minutes

Zeref looked at Freddie sleeping, he couldn't sleep, not after the weird dream he had.

“Lyra? Where are you? You can't hide forever my little Lavender.” a man teased.

He has long pink hair tied back into a short ponytail, with an undercut, and the undercut portion of his hair is black. He has a dark complexion and blue eyes.

His outfit consists of a cream-colored short-sleeved jacket with yellow details and a black, long-sleeved V-neck shirt, with cream-colored fingerless gloves.

He wears black medium-length pants and cream colored sneakers.

He could hear giggling behind him “Lyra, you’re terrible at hiding.” he laughed.

He turned around to see a girl entirely made of lavender smoke, hanging upside down.

“Hey Zane, scared ya didn't I.” Lyra laughed, coming down off the tree branch

Lyra has dark skin, her eyes were a lavender color. She wears her hair in a high ponytail with her fringe pushed back and a thin braid at the side of her head.

She wears a neon yellow tank top, black leggings with cutout designs, a purple train with flower designs, and black and purple shoes with gold heels.

She has silver shoulder armor with neon accents and a matching waist piece. She also wears a metallic cut-out bracer and matching earrings.

“Yeah, you know you scare me when you do that.” Zane pouted. “And yet, you’re so cute when you pout.” Lyra kissed Zane’s cheek.

“I missed you.” Lyra smiled, Zane and Lyra lying down on the soft grass. “I’m sorry I’m away so much, it sucks the gods are using me as their messenger.” Zane sighed, wrapping his arms around Lyra’s waist.

“But they millions of other messengers. Why don't they use them?” Lyra questioned. “Because, they “love” me.” Zane rolled his eyes.

“But I miss you...I miss your voice. I miss the way you always call me “little Lavender”. I miss the way you always spar with me. I miss the way you kiss me. The way your arms feel around me.”

“I miss the words you whisper in my ears. I miss the way you always help me when I’m down. The way you know how I sleep so you can adjust my pillow so my back won't hurt in the morning.”

“The way you always wake up early to make me breakfast in bed. The way you always bring me a fresh bouquet of flowers when you come back from your missions.”

“Zane, I just love everything about you.” Lyra kissed Zane softly.

“I love you too, my little Lavender.” Zane smiled as he pressed Lyra’s wrist to the grass. Zane stared into her eyes, he’s been away from Lyra for months, now that he finally back he couldn't wait to spend every moment with her.

“You don't know how bad I’ve missed you Lyra.” Zane stroked his thumb against her cheek. “I missed you too, but just shut up and kiss me.” Lyra laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to kiss him.

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