EP.191|I'll Always Be There For You

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EP.191|I’ll Always Be There For You
The Villains were glad to see their VKs again but something about Araden’s last sentence was making them uneasy.
“We can't focus on that right now, we need to get the kids out of here,” Arcadia felt the castle begin to shake, the ceiling started crumbling, “shit!”
Facilier helped Freddie onto Acadia’s back, “dad...everything hurts…” Freddie groaned in pain. “I know baby, we have the best healers at the NPA, it’s okay, you’re going home.” Facilier assured her.
Freddie nodded slightly before closing her eyes. “The fastest way out of here is underground,” Christine informed them. “Is that really safe? The place is crumbling!” Cruella reminded her, morphing into her panther form so Hex can place Carlos on her back.
“It’s our only option, Cruella.” Dante tried to pry Jasper off of Evie but everytime he did Jasper growled, “Jafar! What’s up with your kid!”
“His dragon’s in protective mode,” Jafar pulled out his staff, tapping Jasper with it. Jasper peaked open his eyes, gazing into the rubies, “let go of Evie.” Jasper ordered.
Jasper turned into putty, letting go of Evie, “who’s a good dragon! Yes you are!” Jasper teased, ruffling his hair.
“Alright,” Esther kissed her daughter’s forehead, “let’s get you home.”
Facilier took Freddie necklace momentarily, his eyes turned lavender, teleporting the Villains and their kids to the underground tunnels of Antoine’s palace.
“We got about 3 minutes before this place crumbles.” Farrah estimated. “Only 3?” Gaston asked, Farrah nodded. The Villains began running, the castle falling behind them.
Meanwhile, a certain platinum blonde sadly gazed at the dirt ground she was forced to sleep on.
“My beautiful prince,” she wrote the initials C and M in the ground, “how I miss you so…”
She sighed, falling back on the ground, “your mark...it’s depleting...I hate being away from you!”
“I hate being stuck here, forced onto demons day in and day out, no sense of stability, love, warmth.” she rubbed her arms, “warmth, oh warmth...you were always so warm,”
Her voice echoed down the hallway, Hades stopped momentarily, “no way.”
He walked slowly towards the cell ahead of him. “Courtly?” Hades looked into to see it was indeed her.

“HADES!” she ran to the bars, hugging him tightly, “you have to get my out of here, I need to see Militon! There’s so much I need to tell him! Everyone!”

“We’ll get you out, just breathe Courtly.” Hades used his skeleton key to open the door, freeing Courtly, “thank you!” she cheered, hugging the god.
Hex pulled out his phone, “everything ready on your side, Healer?”
“Yep,” Healer’s portal appeared, “jump in!”
The villains gladly jumped into the portal, finally bringing the kids back home, safe and sound.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
It’s been a week since the VKs have returned and all ten were in comas. “How long till they wake up?”Hook questioned. Healer shrugged, “days, weeks, months, it’s hard to say.”
Jafar bit his nails, tapping his feet in worry, “why the fuck am I so worried.”
“Maybe because he’s your son.” Maleficent rolled her eyes. “Jafar’s never one to worry though, so it’s nice to know he actually has emotions,” Nikita pinched his cheeks.
“Shut up…” Jafar muttered.
Meanwhile, inside the infirmary, Mal eyes adjusted to the hospital light. She sat up slowly, a sharp pain in her head. She felt her forehead to feel gauze wrapped around it.
“What...what happened?” She rubbed her temple, soon realizing her mistake as more pain was added to her previous one.
“Hey! She’s awake!” Midnight cheered, Mal whinced, she never noticed that her voice was so loud. “I told you she wouldn't die,” Zalia rolled her eyes, Mal smiled, she was glad her demons were safe “gods your such a helicopter demon!”
“I’m sorry,” Midnight whipped her head towards Zalia, “who did Mal make head demon?”
“Exactly!” Midnight stuck out her tongue. Zalia grimaced and filed her nails. Mal chuckled, bringing the two demons attention back to their vessel.
“I’m glad you two are okay.” Mal sighed slightly in relife. She looked around to see she was the first of her VK friends to awaken. She was tired of sitting in bed, she removed the covers and swung her legs over the hospital bed.

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