EP.170|Wisteria Dancers

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EP.170|Wisteria Dancers

"Well, at least we got the border," Evie said, hiding in the bushes with the VKs and Cosmina "but getting you past it might be harder than I thought."

"I thought you specialized in this Evie!" Cosmina whispered loudly. "I do, it's just, the borders I would sneak people over weren't over 60 ft." Evie faceplamed.

"Just think of it as the Villain and Hero border, just 3x as tall." Jasper suggested. "Oh yeah, easy for you guys to say! I don't think you ever had to climb over a 60 ft wall!" Evie scolded.

"Why don't you just use the purple dust to make them knock out?" Carlos suggested. "I would but look at their mask," Evie pointed to the guards mask over their "those mask protects them from any type of sleeping or other effect dust."

"Hey, Evie, take a look." Hunter passed her the binoculars, Evie looked through them to see what seemed to be a tour bus "Wisteria Dancers?" Evie looked at the symbol suspiciously."They can help us! Come on Evie." Cosmina grabbed Evie's hand, the VKs and the princess sealed onto the back of the truck.

"Open up." Cosmina knocked on the bus door. The door opened to reveal a beautiful women with tan skin, black and red hair, brown eyes, she wore a beautiful silk robe with flower designs on with and a black bodice under it.

"Delia!" Cosmina cheered. "Cosmina! What are you doing here, you're supposed to be at the castle." Delia opened accepted her hug, she looked over her shoulder to see the VKs.

"Hello Miss Delia, I'm Evie, that's Carlos, Jasper, and Hunter." Evie introduced. "You're the VKs the crazy dragon talked about." Delia muttered but they heard her.

"Maleficent's here?" Jasper questioned as Delia nodded, letting the group inside. Once inside, the VKs noticed the dancers were of the male exotic kind.

"Boys, these are the VKs, they're escorting Princess Cosmina to Antoine's castle." Delia introduced. "Um, Cosmina," Hunter whispered, getting the Princess' attention "when you said 'dancers', I think you forgot to mention they're male."

"Is that a problem?" Delia glared at him. "No-Not at al-all Miss Delia." Hunter shivered.

"Good, now, Princess and Crystal Girl, you're with me." Delia stated, walked to the back of the bus with Evie and Cosmina "boys, stay here and try to get along, my Flowers don't bite," she grew a devious smile "much"

For a moment, all the boys were silent, until Carlos with his innocent self spoke "hi! I'm Carlos DeVille."

"Awe! He's so cute!" one of the youngest of the 3 boys spoke.

He was a young man of short stature with blue eyes and medium-length messy blond hair. His hair is long enough to cover both his ears and forehead.

Her wore a white long sleeve dress shirt with a black bow tie and a black pants.

"I'm Levi!" the happy go lucky blonde introduced "you're an animalistic right!"

Carlos turned into a wolf, scratching behind his ear "you one too?"
Levi nodded and turned into a jaguar. The two smiled brightly and started play fighting.

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