EP.62|Let's Go Save Our Loved Ones

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EP.62|Let’s Go Save Our Loved Ones

It had been just more than a day and the VK’s time was slowly dwindling down. The man had just gone to get the scraps he would serve and cruelly called dinner, so the VK’s were locked away in utter darkness, the only sound coming from the vacuum like hum of the machines and the occasional groans coming from their parched throats.

“Operetta…” Mal groans from the other side of the wall, becoming worried as Operetta had been unconscious for more than an hour.

A strong blow to the head taking her out almost immediately. CJ looks over to Mal with a sad look.

“She's out cold, breathing, but she's gonna be out for awhile,” she says quietly, silently praying to the gods that she wouldn't suffer any permanent damage from getting hit so hard.

Mal nods, understanding that she would just have to wait it out and hope for the best. She hated the fact she couldn't do anything. It made her physically ill.

“What about Zeref?” she asks as she tries to look around. Zeref, farthest away from her compared to the others.

CJ’s face immediately turns dark. “I'm not actually sure. The poor boys getting his magic drained faster than all of us, along with Jasper. If anything, he's breathing so shallow that it's barely noticeable, But he wouldn't let him die...he needs us.., I mean at least until the others get here.”

CJ whispers as tears of pain and worries stream down her quietly worries if they would even be coming.

Knowing that if she voiced this fear that she wouldn't be helping anybody she kept it locked away in her tears. She looks over at Zeref, Jasper and the girls before her eyes snap to a heavily locked door, the man walking through with a bowl of scraps.

“Mmm, I've got dinner for you, little ones,” he purrs as he pushes a piece of hair away from CJ’s face. She wrenches her face away, unable to look into the face of such a monster.

"How dare you touch me!?" she snaps, her anger finally getting the best of her. "You coward! you weren't able to take us on without even putting us asleep, you haven't even told us your name" she hisses, her eyes shooting daggers at him

"I want to know you name before you're too dead to speak," she says with a growl that could rival Carlo’s. The man chuckles, finding her spunk amusing.

“Well, I’m sure you all know me. But if you must know.” The man then took off the hood to reveal none other than.

Milton. Grimm.

“You!” Mal yelled. “Hello to you too princess.” Milton smirked, grabbing Mal’s hair. “How dare you kidnap us! If I weren’t getting my magi drained, I would-” Mal was cut off mid rant.

“You’d what? Beat me up? Kill me? Rip me limb from limb? I’d like to see you try.” Milton cackled as Mal stood up, her body wobbling. Milton kicked Mal back down, causing her to growl.

“You’re so dead.” CJ chuckled making Milton snap his head towards her.

“Excuse me?” Milton growled. “Once Ben gets one look at you and see what you did to Mal, he’s gonna kill you. Do you have any idea how much this girl means to him?!”

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