EP.121|Our Island's Destruction (Part 1)

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EP.121|Our Island’s Destruction (Part 1)

Lucifer tossed and turned in his bed, thoughts of his Swan filling his head.

“Lucifer! Stop, that tickles!” Swan giggled, so soft and delightful to his ears.

“You know you like it when I kiss your neck.” Lucifer smirked, licking over his mark on Swan’s neck.

“Lu-Lucifer!” Swan gasped. “I love it when you say my name.” Lucifer whispered, making Swan squeak.

“Baby,” Swan looked at Lucifer, “my parents, they’ll be back soon, you know they don't like it when you sleep over.”

“I’ll have you know Swan, we never do any sleeping when I’m over.” Lucifer smirked smugly.

“Lucifer!” Swan’s face turned red, man it was redder than a strawberry that day.

I guess it was the feeling Lucifer gave her, the warmth of Lucifer gave her the start of her day she needed, his soft red and black hair just like silk, his black eyes cold yet so warm.

His fair skin brushing against her’s, his touch so loving and full of life, his kisses warm and passionate.

She loved everything about him, I mean, who wouldn't.

He’s the demon prince for the gods sakes!

Even I would hit that, not to say I haven’t-- actually, let me stop talking before I say to much.

“Do I have to go?” Lucifer pouted, resting his head in the crevice of Swan’s chest, looking up at her with puppy dog eyes “as much as I don't want you to, my parents would kill me.”

“Screw your parents! They always ruin my fun with you.” Lucifer kissed the top of her chest, Swan threw her head back.

“How about this, next weekend we can you to your castle, aren’t your parents gonna be gone?” Swan suggested, Lucifer looked up at her and smiled. “Deal.” Lucifer kissed Swan’s lips.

Lucifer brushed his thumb over Swan’s cheek “I love you Swan.”

“I love you too, Lucifer, I always will.”

Lucifer shot up in her bed, sweat dripping down his face.

He looked to his side to see Swan wasn’t there, “just a dream.”

He laid down, looking up at the ceiling, he missed his Swan. She was his life, the one thing he couldn't stand living without, gone in an instant.

It’s not like Swan didn’t miss him, she did, she wanted to see him again, take his pain away, kiss his lips, run her hands thru his soft red and black hair, scream his name.

She would give anything just to be with him again, but how would I know this? Because, I-- again I have to stop before I say to much again.

The two desperately wanted to be with each other again, they needed each other, more than they knew.

More than even I knew...

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