EP.79|King of the Animalistics VS Queen of the Demons

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EP.79|King of the Animalistics VS Queen of the Demons

“What did you do to Ben?!” Mal yelled, staring at Ben’s blood red eyes.

“All I did was unlock his true potential.” Lucifer said, as though it was nothing. “Oh is that all? Turn him back!” Mal ordered.

“No can do, Princess. Your husband is mines now.” Lucifer cackled. “Like hell he is!” Mal yelled. “Ben, if I hurt you. I’m sorry.” Mal sighed.

“But I’m not leaving till I get you back!”

“I doubt that you can hurt me.” Ben cackled, smirking slyly.

Ben pulled out a Scattergun began shooting at Mal.

Mal dodged the bullets using her speed ability and warped onto a large beam. She started using her Darkness Pulse Pistols to shoot at Ben.

“Shit! Ben snap out of it! Your not being yourself!” Mal yelled as Ben avoids the bullets and jumps over a bunch of boxes for cover. Mal warped behind him and taunted him.

Ben tried shooting her but the same thing happened two more times.

“Yo toots! How you doing that?” Ben called out but instead of getting an answer from the female demon.

Mal warped in front of Ben, he responded by bringing out his Force-A Nature shotgun. Mal dodged his two shots and leaped high into the air.

“Bombs Away!” Mal yelled as she tossed her Dark Pulse Bomb at Ben’s feet. “Oh, that’s just great…” The bomb caused a massive explosion.

Mal warped back to avoid the shockwave. When the smoke cleared, Ben was seen drinking a can of Tropical Blitz Soda.

“Supposedly this stuff will liquefy your esophagus after just one can, but, ya know, it's also very handy when feel like, not getting blown up.”

“Well, that’s not fair.” Mal chuckled. “Listen, sweetheart…” Ben tossed the Tropical Blitz Soda can to the side and took out his baseball bat.

“I never play fair, isn't that what you always said to me?” Ben smirked slyly.

Sly man, using my own words against me!

Mal tried shooting her Dark Pulse Pistols at Ben while performing acrobatic flips.

Ben casually walks through the bullet storm unaffected and started swinging his bat at Mal.

Mal warped back and forth, avoiding his attacks and starts building up her Ultimate Attack.

“Is that all you got?” Mal warped back and prepares to attack, but her chronal accelerator shorts out.

“Ah shit! Ben! Listen to be! Fight off your brother! He’s the enemy! Not me!” Mal yelled.

Ben took the advantage and delivered a number of blows with his baseball bat to Mal. “Batter at the plate!”

Ben delivered his home run attack and sent Mal flying in the air.

“It’s outta the park!” Ben walked over to pick up the crown Mal dropped after the attack.

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