EP.151|Bad Fruit

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EP.151|Bad Fruit

Carlos walked into Cruella and Hex's cottage to see it was burnt to a crisp. Carlos couldn't believe it. This was the place he grew up in, now it was burnt to a crisp.

“Mom? Dad? Dude? Anyone?” Carlos called out, Dude ran out of bottom kitchen cabinet and into Carlos’ arms.

“Dude, oh my gods and goddesses, what happened to you?” Dude just whimpered, Carlos tried to calm him down but it didn't work. “C-Car-Carlos! I-I’m so scared.” Dude stammered.

“Hey it’s okay buddy, don't worry, I’m here.” Carlos brushed his fur, Dude kept shivering. “Where’s mom and dad?” Carlos asked.

“T-Tan-Tangerine.” Dude stuttered, Carlos shivered. Sh-she’s back?! Carlos could feel the pentagram scar on his back begin to sting a little.

Just like that, the memories of when he was little came back to him.

“Are you sure we should leave him with Tangerine?” Hex questioned, after what happened in the past with Tangerine, he was too sure about leaving Carlos with her.

“I'm sure, after what happened, Tangerine changed, Carlos will be fine.” Cruella assured him.

“But how much has she changed? You saw what she did to my family, heck, you saw what she did to you.” Hex stated.

“Yes, but I know my sister, she's changed for the better.” Cruella smiled, packing Carlos' bag.

“Yeah but it's Tangerine.” Hex said. “I'll be fine daddy, I love Auntie Tangerine.” 5 year old Carlos smiled innocently.

Hex sighed, if only he knew what happened before he was born.

Once arriving at Tangerine's house, Carlos ran up the door, knocking on it. Tangerine opened the door, she looked drunk.

“Hey! Carlos, how are you,” a drunk hiccups interrupted her “buddy”

“I missed you Auntie Tangerine.” Carlos hugged her tightly. “Tangerine, are you sure you're okay?” Cruella asked.

Yeah,” she clearly exaggerated “I'm totally fine.”

Hex looked at Cruella. We can not leave Carlos alone with her. She's clearly drunk! Cruella rolled her eyes. She's fine, don't worry so much.

“Alright, Carlos, listen to Tangerine. We'll be back in the morning.” Cruella told him, his parents kissing him goodbye.

Once they left, Carlos say Tangerine pouring liquor into a glass “what's that?”

“Liquor.” Tangerine drank the shot “imagine adult apple juice.”

“Why are you drinking it?” Carlos asked. “Cause it taste good.” Tangerine replied, pouring and drinking another shot.

“Can I have some?” Carlos tried to reach for the glass but Tangerine snatched it away. “No,” “why?” “because you're a kid. Why do you keep asking me stupid questions?”

“Because I'm a kid.” Carlos replied in a know-it-all tone. Tangerine groaned and slapped Carlos, making him cry.

“Wh-why'd you sl-slap me?” Carlos cried. “Because you keep asking stupid question!” Tangerine kicked him in the stomach.

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