EP.122|Our Island's Destruction (Part 2)

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EP.122|Our Island’s Destruction (Part 2)

Tyrock and Snowball ran as fast as they could to the gorilla den, they had to warn them about the dangers that were to come.

“Dajen!! Dajen!!” Tyrock called out, barging into the den. “What’s wrong, Tyrock?” Dajen inquired. “Lucifer...here...island...danger…” Snowball barely managed to speak.

Dajen quickly stood up, “how could he find us?!”

“I don't know, but Lucifer has millions of soldiers with him and thousands of cages.” Tyrock warned. “We have to tell everyone before he-” Dajen quickly got cut off by a loud bang coming from the center of the amazon.

Dajen, Tyrock, Snowball, and the rest of the gorillas ran towards the boom to see a larger crater in the ground, smoke coming out of it, many of the animals came to see what all the commotion was.

“Millions of animal species. It’s practically a zoo.” Philip chuckled. “What do you want?” Dajen asked.

“Where’s the grail Dajen?” Lucifer rudely asked. “So that’s what this is all about? The grail?! Really? You even brought an animalistic with you.” Dajen scoffed.

Snowball eyes were coated in fear, “I knew you looked like trouble.” Snowball growled.

“What?” Tyrock asked. “Animalistics are humans who adapted traits of many animals, even allowing them to turn into multiple species of animals.” Snowball explained.

“You’re smart for a cotton ball.” Philip smirked, all the animals gasped, “what...did you...call me?” a dark aura appeared around Snowball.

“What? Cotton ball? Awe, did I hurt the bunnie’s feel-” but before Philip could finish, Snowball roundhouse kicked him in the face. “Never call me cotton ball!” Snowball yelled.

“You got some strong ones here, Dajen” Lucifer observed “how about this, if you hand over the grail, you can join my army.” Lucifer smirked.

“What in your right mind thinks I would ever hand over the grail, something Swan entrusted me to keep safe, to you?! Let alone join your evil army!” Dajen growled.

“Dajen, if you know what’s right for you, you’ll give me the grail.” Lucifer warned him.

“And if you know what’s right for you,” Dajen’s first was coated in a white ball of mass “you’ll leave this island now and never return.”

Lucifer chuckled darkly and looked at Dajen straight in the eyes “we’re gonna have to do this the hard way, aren’t we?”

“I guess we are, what do you say Amazon Island! Let’s show these humans what happens when people mess with our island!” Dajen roared, all the animals cheered.

“Fine, we’ll do it the hard way. CHARGE!!” Lucifer ordered as all of his soldiers flooded into the Amazon.

“Give em all we got!” Dajen yelled as all the animals began fighting against Lucifer’s soldiers.

And just like that, the battle began.

The jungle was littered with wounded fighters, weapons and suits.

Red, brown and black are the new colors of what was once a tranquil, rich jungle, which has now become the stage of a tragic civil war.

The air which would normally be rich in sound from a jungle full of wildlife is now glowing red with fire and thick with smoke, ash and embers, a sight of pure nightmares.

There's no hint of which side will win. The dead and wounded of one side are spread around the jungle.

The faces of the Amazon animals are hopeful with adrenaline rushing through their bodies and muscles tense and anxious, they push harder and harder on the enemy.

With no way to know if they'll live or die the other side ferociously battles their enemies.

Some have succumbed to exhaustion and are collapsing left and right, while others seem to be fairly unaffected by the terrors around them.

The toll on both nature and humanity is enormous. It'll likely take ages before this jungle will have recovered.

It's clear gore, debris and lost bombs have taken the place of grass, plants and flowers.

Tyrock and Snowball worked together to fight against Philip, all of them were tirelessly fighting and it seemed like it would be the end.

Tyrock and Snowball got thrown against a large tree, bruises and scars covered their once healthy bodies.

“Tyr...Tyrock.” Snowball slowly turned towards Tyrock, groaning, “we have...have to keep...fighting…” Tyrock shook his head.

“Snowball...I can’t...I can’t do it...anymore…” Tyrock coughed, blood dripping down his lip.

“We have...to,Tyrock.” Snowball got up slowly, holding her wounds.

“Electro Wave!” Snowball whispers out the words, tripping over them occasionally as she goes.

Philip turns around as the lights flash behind him.

“What the…” he covers his face quickly, staying shielded fo a moment before slowly pulling his arm away and looking down at the bunny who was now struggling to breathe.

“She didn't have enough magic...” Tyrock mumbles as Snowball slides back into the awaiting arms of the bloody ground.

Philip claps slowly in front to them. “Wow!” he says with a snicker.

“You're so fucking weak.” He kicks Snowball in the stomach causing her to double over and fly back into another tree.

“Don't touch her!” Tyrock yelled, fire lighting his now tired red eyes.

“Oh? And what are you gonna do about it” Philip says with a smirk as he reached for his knife and thrusts it towards Snowball.

“Kong Crush: Wall!” Tyrock’s chanted quickly, holding up both of his hands, barely managing to keep up the shield of white matter.

Within seconds, the shield fails and Tyrock’s hands fall to his sides.

“I don't care how much magi I have to use... hell, I don't care if it's the last of my magi. You. Will not. Touch my Snowball!” he panted and slowly staggers to his feet.

Philip looked at Tyrock before shrugging and turning his hand into a bear claw.

He charged for Tyrock, slashing his left eyes, a scream echoes around the jungle as she falls to her knees.

Blood began to ooze out of Tyrock’s eye, the last thing he saw before fading into darkness was Snowball on the ground unconscious.

“I’m sorry...Snowball…”

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