EP.40|Here We Go, Please Don't Hate Me.

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EP.40|Here We Go, Please Don't Hate Me.

“Freddie, I’m sorry for what’s gonna happen. Please, don't hate me.” Zeref sighed. “I know, I know you are.” Freddie then took a deep breath in.

“Now...how could you?!” Freddie yelled. “Please, Freddie I’m sorry! At the time, I didn’t know he was you Grandfather. Please just please forgive me.” Zeref pleaded.

“Sorry, you forgot you chance at forgiveness when you shot my grandpa! How could you Zeref! I thought you understood! I thought you were my best friend?!” Freddie yelled, tears filling up her eyes.

“I am, Freddie, you have to believe me. I didn’t know he was your grandfather.” Zeref repeated.

“But Zeref, I don't believe you! You knew what he meant to me! He was my only family! I have nobody! Nobody! Do you know what it’s like to not have any family members?!” Freddie yelled, pointing to herself.

“You think it’s easy for me to just go on with life?! Knowing my mom could be out there! I don't know where the hell she is! She left me at 3 Freddie! Your mom died! I get it, it sucks.”

“But no, I’m sick of you getting the pity cause your dad’s in the shadow realm and you have no more living relatives!”

“My parents hate me! My godfather is trapped in a tomb! My sister was kidnapped at 4! My mom left me! I have a shitty father who only appears when he wants me! The only people who care about me are Pain and Panic!”

“Look Freddie, you need to get this thru you thick skull! Your father is never coming back! He’s locked in the shadow realm for eternity! No, but you keep trying! He isn't coming back Freddie! You need to get that thru your skull right now!”

Zeref looked at Freddie and wanted to take it all back, he wanted to take every word, every sybil, every letter that came out of his mouth.

“Freddie...I didn’t mean that...I’m sorry...I don't know what got over me!” Zeref said as Freddie pushed him away, running out of the room crying. “Freddie!” Zeref called out.

“What the hell was that all about?” Jasper asked. “I’ll explain later. I have to stop Freddie.” Zeref grabbed his coat and runned out of the dorm room.

“Wh-where i-is it?” Freddie asked herself. “What are you looking for? What happened? Why are you crying?” CJ asked.

“Nothing CJ, please go.” Freddie cried. “Hey, look at me, what happened.” CJ asked as she looked at Freddie, tears streaming down her face. She looked down at her hand to see she was holding a rope.

“Give me the rope.” CJ demanded. “No!” Freddie yelled. “Give me the damn rope Freddie!” CJ yelled as she grabbed the rope.

“Killing yourself isn't the answer!” CJ yelled as Freddie kicked her in the stomach causing CJ to fall to the floor.

Freddie grabbed the rope and kept running out of the building. “He’s not coming back. I’m all alone!” Freddie cried as she ran into the forest.

“Dammit Freddie. Please where are you?” Zeref asked nervously. “Freddie! Please! Answer me!” Zeref yelled as he ran thru the forest. “Freddie! I’m sorry! Just answer me!!” Zeref kept running, the thought of Freddie dying scared the hell out of him.

He couldn’t imagine his life without Freddie in it. He didn’t want to think about it. Please...please be alive! Zeref thought as he finally heard a voice.

“Freddie!” Zeref yelled as he ran closer to the sound of sobbing. He then saw Freddie, hanging there on the tree.

“Freddie. Please. Please. Please.” Zeref pleaded as he carried her lifeless body in his arms. “Freddie...I’m so sorry.” Zeref sobbed. “Well bravo.” The female ghost clapped.

“N-no…” Zeref muttered. “You did it again. Just like the last girl. Oh wait, who was that. ME!!” The ghost yelled. “I said I was sorry. I did everything right this time!” Zeref sobbed.

“Everything, but save her.” The 1rst boy ghost mocked. “Please...go away...not again...she isn't here…she isn't here…” Zeref told himself, his hands on the side of his head.

“Oh boo-hoo, his little Shadow Girlfriend isn't here. Whatever shall he do?” The 2nd boy asked sarcastically.

“Pl-please...lea-leave…” Zeref stuttered. “Why should we? You never did when we asked you to stop!!” The 3rd ghost yelled in his face.

“Freddie...whe-where….where are you…?” Zeref stuttered as his tears fell onto her body. “Zeref…” Freddie voice said as Zeref looked up to see Freddie, but she was a spirit.

“Freddie…?” Zeref asked. “Good Evening, my love.” Freddie knelt down across from him, her hand resting on his cheek ever so softly.

“B-but…” Zeref said. “Shh...I’m here...no ghost...just me.” Freddie assured him.

“I’m so sorry...I wanted to stop you...but this idiot wasn’t fast enough…” Zeref cried. “It wasn’t. Stop blaming yourself, my love.” Freddie smiled. “Y-Yo-You love me?” Zeref stuttered.

“Always have, always will.” Freddie kissed his lips, the taste of fruit punch lipsticks filled his senses. He wanted the real Freddie. But the real Freddie is dead.

“Zeref, look at me. I’m not leaving.” Freddie assured him as the ghost appeared behind Freddie mouthing the words KILLER.

“Don't listen to them. That haunts past Zeref. This Zeref, the Zeref isn't a killer. He’s a savior, and a proud VK that I dreamed about for months, my loving Zeref. You’re not a killer. Your my love.” Freddie said.

“Do you really believe that?” The girl ghost smirked. Zeref looked away from Freddie. “Don't listen to them, you’re not a killer. You love me right?” Freddie asked.

“Do you?” The 4 ghost asked.

“Y-yes! I love you Freddie.” Zeref cupped her face. “Good.” Freddie smiled. “Look at me, those ghost behind me, they don't define you. You define you.” Freddie said, her forehead touching his.

“B-but...wha-what i-if they come back? You wouldn’t be there. What then?” Zeref asked. “I will be there.” Freddie assured him.

“How?” Zeref asked as Freddie started fading away. “Freddie? Where are you going?” Zeref asked worriedly. “Don't worry.” She assured him as the real Freddie’s eyes fluttered opened. “Zeref?” She asked weakly.

“Are you mad at me?” He asked, hoping the answer was no. “I could never be mad at you, my love.” Freddie smiled, kissing his lips as the taste of fruit punch lipstick filled his lips.

“But, the murders.” He sighed. “All is forgiven.” Freddie smiled, kissing him again. “You sure?” Zeref asked as she nodded. “Yes. Let’s get home.” Freddie smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I love you, Freddie.”

“I love you too, Zeref.”

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