EP.103|There's A Better Way

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EP.103|There’s A Better Way

“Wait, what happened to Peggy and the grail?” Ben asked eagerly.

Alex opened the curtain to reveal Peggy hooked up to an IV, her body covered with burn marks and large wounds.

“Oh my gods…” Carlos gasped. “How did this happen?” CJ asked in shock.

“Me and Peggy got into a crash when we were delivering the grail to the portal” Cindy sighed “as you can see, Peggy got the bad end of the stick.”

“Ugh...everything hurts…” a soft voice groaned. Alex looked over at Peggy to see she was sitting up.

“Peggy!” Alex cheered, hugging his girlfriend causing her to wince in pain.

“I’m happy to see you too, but can you not hug so tight.” Peggy groaned.

“Oh, sorry.” Alex sheepishly muttered. “How are you feeling?” Alex asked, brushing a strand of Peggy’s hair back. “A little better, the burns hurt less.” Peggy smiled.

“I should've gone with you…” Alex grumbled. “Look at me” Peggy lifted up Alex’s face “i’ll be okay, you know I hate it when you blame yourself.”

“Plus, Swan trusted me to take the grail to the portal. And that’s what I did.” Peggy smiled.

“Yes, but you got hurt.” Alex said. “And I’ll be fine.” Peggy assured him.

“Sorry to interrupt this touching moment but where the hell is the grail?!” Ben asked again. “It’s in the portal.” Peggy replied.

“You said that already! But, where is the grail.” Ben growled. “Once I put it in the portal it transports to the next safe spot Swan set up.” Peggy said.

“And where is the safe spot?” Ben asked, obviously annoyed. “We don't know!” Peggy told him. Ben growled deepened as he grabbed Peggy’s collar.

“Where is the grail?” Ben’s eyes turned a deep blue with tints of gold and green in them. “I told you! We. don't. Know.” Peggy repeated.

Ben let go of her collar and walked out of the bar in an angry huff. “I’ll go talk to him.” Mal said as she followed him.

Lucifer sat in his castle, looking out the window at the sea.

Deep down, Lucifer knew what he was doing wasn’t right, but he needed Swan back.

But there has to be a better way! A better way to get the woman he loved back. The woman he longed for since the moment he saw her.

Why couldn't he get the graceful Swan out of his head? Swan was his rock, her light to his darkness, her heaven to his hell, her sun to his moon, her spring and summer to his fall and winter.

What was it about Swan that made Lucifer so attracted to her? Was it because of her voice?

Her beauty? Her grace? Her kindness? Her warmth she brought to everything around her?

Not only was Swan the girl he loved, Swan was also his best friend.

Swan was the only one who understood Lucifer and accepted him for the way he was.

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