EP.185|Working With The Darkside

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EP.185|Working With The Darkside

Araden looked around, all he could remember was going to sleep, now he was in a rose field. The smell of mint chocolate chips tickled across his nose, landing a huge smile on the demon’s lips.
“I can smell you Nadia~” Araden cooed, hearing a giggle behind him confirmed his suspicion. Honey deued colored arms wrapped around him in a loving fashion.
Nadia’s skin, always fawn, had burned and freckled under the summer’s sun. Even at the cusp of autumn, an uneven tan clung to her skin like burrs.
He loved the beautiful freckles that traced down her skin, almost like a roadmap that showed her history.
“You’re beautiful,” Araden practically purred. “Oh I know.” Nadia flipped her hair. “Boastful aren’t we?” Araden slightly chuckled.
“Overlord aren’t we?” Nadia stuck out her tongue. Araden gasped, acting shocked “how dare you call me an overlord! I’m an evil overlord!”
Nadia giggled, wrapping her arms around him in a loving fashion “awe, my little evil overlord.”
“I’m taller than you!” Araden scolded, only making Nadia giggle more “only by 3 inches.”
Nadia smirked, sprouting beautiful butterfly wings, flying up so she could be higher than Araden.
“Nuh uh,” Araden sprouted bat wings, flying to Nadia’s height, “you can't use those wings to get higher.”
“Oh? Is that jealousy I hear?” Nadia smirked, “someone mad that I have better wings?”
“Please, I’d take my bat wings over those butterfly things anyday!” Araden laughed. Nadia fluttered her wings, Araden smiled. “You think they’re beautiful?” Nadia smiled, Araden didn't notice he was looking into her purple eyes.
“Damn eyes…” Araden growled. “You know you love my eyes.” Nadia kissed his cheek, “and you love my hair, and my personality, and the cute way I pronounce vause.”
“Will you stop it!” Araden blushed, Nadia smiled and kissed his lips, lowering him down. Araden smirked, this was his dream.
Araden backed her against a tree, Nadia gasped as Araden looked her up and down, “gods and goddesses, you’re just...amazing!”
Nadia smiled, wrapping her legs around his waist, “I don't know how much time the goddesses gave my tonight, but I want to spend every second of them with you.”
Araden shot up, pounding his fist into the wall “dammit! Again! Why do you always cut it off when I need it most!” Araden growled.
“Uh, because of what ya did,” Athena shot back, appearing in Araden’s room in a ghost form. “Shut up…” Araden threw a book at her, however it went straight through her.
“You know the punishment,” Zeus chimed in, “now you gotta pay.”
“Wait till I found stupid moutin!” Araden stomped out of the room, “all you gods and goddesses gonna pay!!!”
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Hunter glared as he watched Araden enter the room. He wanted him dead. He wanted him to burn. He wanted all the pain in the world to be brought onto him.
“Fix that glare or I’ll fix it for you.” Araden threatened. “Why don't u fix your life?” Hunter shot back. Araden growled and dumped holy water onto Hunter.
Hunter coughed up the water, “fuck...you!”
“You’re not my type.” Araden smirked. “I’m sorry, Nadia is.” Hunter chuckled. Araden dumped the holy water extra hard.
“You don't get to say her name!” Araden scolded. “Like you do?” Hunter muttered. Araden had enough, he flashed into the box, “move it princess,” he extends his hand, teleporting Operetta into Freddie’s box.
He picked up Hunter by the neck, pinning him to the wall, “you think this is funny, punk?”
Hunter struggled to reply, he just smirked, answering Araden’s question without even speaking. Araden bangged Hunter’s head against the wall, making him hiss “fuck...you…”
“What makes you think you can play the part of a hero?” Araden threw him to the ground “after everything you 10 did, you have the audacity to play hero?”
“I never said...I was a hero.” Hunter coughed, wiping the drool mixed with blood off his face “not once...have I said...I was a hero.”
Araden stomped on his chest, “then stop acting like one!” he dug his foot into his chest “assassins like you don't get to play hero! People like you don't get happy endings!”
“You think...this is a happy...ending?” Hunter rasped, “you think this is,” blood trickled down his lips “an ending?”
“Well let’s review Hunter,” Araden held up 1 finger “I have all 10 of you captured,” he held up a 2nd finger, “I’m this close to getting the girl,” he held up a third finger “and there’s nothing you can do about it!”
Hunter looked away from him, “you right...there’s nothing we can do now.” his eyes earned a fire of determination, “but we’ll eventually get out of here...and we’ll be back…” he latched onto Araden’s ankle “and when we are, we’re gonna kick your ass!”
He threw Araden across the box, Hunter heaved, “damn holy water!” he mentally cursed “I gotta find a way around that.”
He could feel his fangs growing, his eyes growing a crimson red. Araden smirked and got up, “that’s the assassin I know.”
Hunter dug his nails into his palm, “don't assassinate...don't assassinate…” he repeated, trying to calm himself down.
“Why try to relax when you can feed into that anger?” Araden and Hunter circled around him “use it to file you magi.”
Hunter shook his head, “don't assassinate, just hurt...don't assassinate, just hurt…” he could feel his nails turning into claws, there was this voice inside his head, telling him to kill Araden, to show him no mercy.
“Hunter! Listen to me! We’ve worked on this! Don't let it control you, work with it, it’s a partnership.” Brazzan motivated, trying to help Hunter regain control.
Hunter feel to his knees, “AGH!!!” he yelled, his hands framing the side of his head, Hunter’s eyes were completely black, he was trapped inside this growing ball of darkness “someone! Anyone! Help me!”
“Hunter, stop fighting…” he could tell this voice wasn’t Brazzan, it sounded familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it, “work with it...don't allow full control...just partial…”

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