EP.90|Why Men Are Evil

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EP.90|Why Men Are Evil

“Miss Kianna, if you don't mind me asking, what happened the day you got attacked?” CJ asked as Evie and Jasper walked back into the room.

Ben and Carlos could tell they smelled different but didn’t say anything.

“The day we got attacked was a day of sadness.” Kianna narrated.

Long ago, the Misty Archipelago was a land of peace and happiness. Kianna smiled, looking over her beautiful shining island was one of her favorite things to do.

Kianna walked outside to see village as it usually was. Peaceful and happy, just how Kianna liked it.

The sounds of children laughing filled her ears, Kianna smiled as she watched the children run around playing tag.

“Where is Ramona?” Kianna asked herself soon being grabbed and pulled into the tree. “Ramona! You know I hate when you do that!” Kianna laughed, hitting Ramona on the arm playfully.

“I know, but shh! I’m trying to sneak up on Cerise.” Ramona whispered. “Why in the world do you do this?” Kianna chuckled as Ramona jumped to a closer branch to the ground to see Cerise laying on the grass.

“Perfect.” Ramona muttered under her breath. She jumped down, landing on Cerise to see it was just a dummy in Cerise’s cloak.

“Wait, wha-OH GODS!” Ramona was soon tackled to the ground by Cerise. “I win! Cerise: 9 Ramona: 8!” Cerise announced.

“We would be tied, if someone didn’t put fire ants in my boots last year!” Ramona scoffed. “So why do you two do this?” Kianna questioned.

“It’s fun.” Cerise laughed. “Miss Kianna! Someone is asking for you.” A village girl said as Kianna, Cerise, and Ramona ran back to the village to see a large group of men waiting for them.

Some of the villagers peeked out of their houses to watch the scene unfold while others stood battle ready.

“Where is you leader?” The first man asked.

He was sorta tall yet muscular young man. He had light fair skin with cold dark eyes. His hair is spiky black and grows counterclockwise.

His attire is a bodysuit, crimson in color and has a white insignia on several places. The suit has a open collar and exposes his chest. He has silver gauntlets and carries his sword with a strap on his hip.

Kianna came forward. “I am Kianna, leader of the Castea clan.” Kianna announced, Ramona looked at the man fiercely, then it hit her. She knew who this was.

“Kianna, we gotta go. Now.” Ramona whispered to her. “Why?” Kianna asked, raising her eyebrow. “This guy, he’s dangerous.” Cerise warned her, Kianna shook her head.

Kianna has always had one major strength, but a times it can be her greatest weakness. And that was her kindness.

She always saw the best in people, even if people warned her there wasn’t any kindness in a person.

“May I ask who you are?” Kianna requested. “Lucifer.” Lucifer smirked, Kianna tensed up, her face went pale. “Wh-What?” Kianna stuttered slightly.

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