EP.116|Mimosa Island

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EP.116|Mimosa Island

“Mimosa Island? Isn't that place a jungle?” Ben asked as CJ nodded. “I went there once when I was a little kid and me and my dad were exploring. It’s a jungle.” CJ replied.

“It can’t be that bad, right?” Evie asked. “I don't know, but were about to see for ourselves.” Freddie said as the boat docked at the island.

Mimosa Island stands alone in the middle of the sea, with no other isles visible in the surrounding area.

It is a mildly small, rocky and steep island covered by lush vegetation, both bright yellow and green in color.

One side of the island is shown to be particular rocky, possessing large formations jutting outwards from the ground, one near the shore, protruding above the sea.

The other near the center of the island, overlooking it; the latter has a pair of waterfalls falling down from it in a small lake below.

Topping such second rocky formation stands the most distinctive element of the island: a gigantic tree with a gnarled, mildly curved trunk, ending in a number of large branches which sustain something that has been described as being similar to "an island on top of an island".

Being a large, flat section composed of earth and crowded by a multitude of normal-sized trees.

Such gargantuan plant possesses a multitude of similarly large, curved and twisted roots, which right below the trunk sustain massive lumps of earth; something which creates some sort of covered area right below the tree itself.

“Woah, what’s with the massive tree?” Hunter questioned. “I don't know…” Jasper replied. Mal noticed Ben looking a little anxious.

“You okay hun?” Mal asked. “Something’s off about this island. Think about it, all the other islands we visited were next to different island, but this one is dead in the middle of the ocean.” Ben said.

“Yeah, it does seem a little off. Like they’re hiding something.” Operetta agreed.

“Let’s just take a look around-AGH!” Zeref then bumped into a wall, falling to the ground.

“What the?” Zeref looked up to see magic ruins written around the island.

“Only the descendants of animals shall enter, along with their love ones, anyone else shall burn till there’s no center.” Ben read.

“It looks likes only animalistic and their mates can enter. That’s probably why Zeref couldn't.” CJ determined.

“Since only animalistic and their mates can go it, Ben, Mal, CJ, go in and try to find Velvet, we’ll find a way in somehow.” Evie stated, CJ didn’t even let her finish, she was already in.

“She’s not playing today is she.” Freddie chuckled.

“It’s mate withdrawal, she might kill someone if needed.” Ben agreed, him and Mal ran into the island to see CJ already slashing vines.

“The quicker we get to Carlos the quicker we can get out of here.” CJ said, slashing thru the vines.

“Why is this vine so tough?!” CJ growled, slashing at a white and black vine, or what she though was a vine. “Um...CJ...that isn't a vine.” Ben shivered.

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