EP.107|Opal, And Shay

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EP.107|Opal, And Shay

Freddie sat at the bar and swirled around her drink in her shot glass, each minute that passed she could feel her parent's star getting dimmer and dimmer.

If this mission were to fail she wouldn't have anyone left, all her relatives would be gone. It broke her heart just thinking about it.

She needed to save her parents, even if it meant she would die trying.

Later that day, the VK's all sat in the back room, looking at Darren tied to a chair. "So, what are we gonna do with him?" Ben asked.

"We might as well get some answers out of him," Carlos suggested as Darran started waking up. "So, first your boss kills my best friends and makes my goddaughter have a mental break down when I tell her the news" Alex then noticed Darren drifting off.

"No, no, no! You're gonna stay awake when I talk to you!" Alex slapped him across the face as hard as he could.

"Alex, chill," Hunter muttered. "I will not calm down!" Alex clenched Darren's jaw. "Then, you decide to hit on my girlfriend for the past couple of weeks!"

"Do you know what it's like to see the person you love getting hit on?! No, of course, you don't, you have no idea what it's like to love!"

Alex slapped him again "next, you wanna try to make out with her even though she told you "no" repeatedly! Don't you get it?! No means no!"

Alex slapped him a third time. "Where are Acadia and Facilier?!" Alex yelled. "Not...telling..." "Wrong answer kid!" Alex kicked him in the shins.

"Where. Are. They?!" Alex yelled. "Up your ass and around the corner!" Darren laughed, Alex growled and clenched Darren's neck.

"Don't fuck with me today! You already hit up my girlfriend, you're walking on thin ice buddy!" Alex warned him.

"Where are they?!" He asked again. "Why don't you ask your goddaughter?" Darren smirked, looking at Freddie. "I don't know where they are, that's why were interrogating you," Freddie informed him.

"Of course you don't, you're just a weak little Shadow Girl." Darren scoffed. "Why you little-" Freddie rolled up her sleeves and stomped over to Darren, about to punch him.

"Freddie," Ben grabbed Freddie's first "this is what he wants, he wants you to get angry." Freddie glared at Darren.

"You still haven't answered our question," Freddie loosened out of Ben's grasp "where are my parents?"

Darren looked into Freddie's eyes. "You have Tamiki don't you?" Darren inquired. "Yeah," Freddie answered, "stop changing the subject."

"And you have shadow genes, allowing some of your father's magic into you," Darren added. "Stop changing the subject," Freddie repeated.

"Do you know the history behind your eyes, Freddie?" Darren asked Freddie stayed quiet. "Of course you don't, I'm guessing Nico never told you, so I will" Darren cleared his throat.

"Long ago, there were was a tribe named Qaris" Darren began. "Wait, Qaris, aren't they-" Jasper began. "The original creators of Tamaki," Darren said.

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