Boomer Brings Them a Replica of Their Favourite Thing

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Request: Boomer brings them a replica (a squeaky toy) of their favourite thing

Joseph Seed-

Joseph wouldn't really know how to react when Boomer ran over and dropped a squeaky toy that looked like a bible in his lap. On one hand he thought that it was a sweet thing for Boomer to do and he was glad that the dog took a liking to him, but on the other hand he wondered where the replica bible came from. He assumed that you got Boomer the toy, and was happy as long as Boomer didn't start carrying the Book of Joseph around in his mouth. He smiled and patted Boomer on the head.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob knew that Boomer was a well trained dog, so he was happy to have him around the house and the veteran centre. When Boomer brought a squeaky toy, in the shape of a rifle, over to him Jacob raised an eyebrow at the dog. He took the toy from him and scratched Boomer behind the ear. This would give Jacob the idea of training Boomer and his Judges to retrieve and bring guns to him and his soldiers. You would glare at him for thinking about work when Boomer just wants to play.

John Seed-

John wasn't sure about having Boomer in the ranch at first, but he soon warmed up to your dog. But Boomer truly won John over when he ran over with his tail wagging and dropped a toy plane at John's feet. John couldn't help but smile and pet Boomer, you knew that John had a passion for planes so you got Boomer a toy plane because you knew that John would approve. In fact, you would often find John playing with Boomer with the plane toy.

Faith Seed-

Faith loved animals so she instantly loved Boomer. She would spend a lot of time with Boomer actually and Boomer loved her too. Faith couldn't help but smile and laugh when Boomer ran over to her with a toy flower in his mouth. He dropped it at her feet like it was a gift and sat down. smiling up at her. Faith couldn't stop smiling as she hugged Boomer, she reminded herself to give him a treat later.


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