You Go Into Premature Labour

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Joseph Seed-

Joseph was close to having a family in the past, his wife and daughter. But he knew that it wasn't the time for him and he lost them both. Joseph loved you with all his heart and when you became pregnant it was the greatest gift that anyone had ever given him, you were giving him a child and a family. He wouldn't loose it again, he was ready for this now and he wouldn't let anything happen to you or his baby. When you went into premature labour, Joseph was worried but he had to remain calm for you. He just couldn't loose two more people, he loved you so much and he already loved your child so much. He was always by your side to support you and reassure you that you would be and that your baby would be perfectly fine as well, even if he was worrying about it himself. He knew that things didn't always happen the way you plan, and that not everything ran as smoothly as you wish, but he just wanted you and the baby to be alright. He just wanted the family that he already loved so much.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob never thought of himself as a family man but he found himself genuinely happy when you got pregnant, it was something that he never really realised that he wanted. He wasn't as prepared as his other siblings but he knew what he needed to know, he had got you a doctor through a recommendation from John and he was confident that you would be fine. The world hadn't been fair to him and he didn't see why this would be any different, but he just knew in his gut that you would be alright. When you went into premature labour, Jacob was worried as anyone would be. However, he knew that you were strong and he knew that his child would be as strong as their parents. He knew that many things could go wrong, he knew about the dangers of premature labour, but he remained strong because he had to. He had to be strong for his family because he knew that you would be strong for them as well.

John Seed-

John had been reading anything he could find, finding out as much about pregnancy and child birth that he could. He just wanted everything to be as easy as possible for you, he wanted it to be perfect. When you went into premature labour, John panicked. It was unexpected, unplanned, and he wasn't sure what to do. You knew that John would panic as soon as you went into labour, so you knew that he would completely freak out when you went into premature labour. He made sure to get you to the hospital as fast as possible, he had obviously got you the best health care and best doctor possible. Even when the doctor assure him that everything would be fine and that you and the baby would be healthy, John was still a mess, pacing and unable to relax. However, he could only smile when he was able to see you and his baby, healthy.

Faith Seed-

Faith loved you more than anything and the thought of having a baby with you was perfect to her, she didn't care that it wasn't her biological child because that meant nothing to her. She wasn't a biological Seed but she was still part of the family, she was still their sister, so your child would certainly still be her child. She was so excited to be a mother, she knew that you would be an amazing parent and hoped that she would be too. She couldn't wait for the baby to be born. When you went into premature labour Faith was a mix of emotions and behaviours. She was comforting and reassuring, looking after you and making sure that you were alright and confident. But she was also obviously worried and upset, she couldn't live with herself if something were to happen to you or her child. She just knew that she had to be there for you right now.


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