O'Hara's Haunted House

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Request: You go to the O'Hara's Haunted House together

Joseph Seed-

Joseph never had any interest in the O'Hara Haunted house but you convinced him to got with you, not that he really needed convincing since he would happily go places with you even if he wasn't really interested in it. He would flinch a little when something in particular surprised him. You would be holding his hand the whole time, whether you just wanted to or if it made you feel more comfortable. Everything one of you jumped, Joseph would gently pull you towards him in a comforting manner.

Jacob Seed-

Of course big, bad, scary solider, Jacob Seed wouldn't be scared of the O'Hara Haunted House. You had convinced him to go with you since you had never been before and you thought that it might be some fun. When ever you jumped or flinched from surprise, Jacob would chuckle which would cause you to punch his arm. Every time. If you are scared easily, you would probably be clinging to his arm while he laughed to himself, but actually enjoying that you were clinging to him for some sort of protection. By the time you were leaving, Jacob would have his arm around you as if to shield you from the attractions within the house.

John Seed-

You had convinced John to go to the O'Hara Haunted house with you, and he actually seemed pretty excited to go with you. Before you went in, John seemed to be acting pretty brave but that act soon disappeared when you walked into the haunted house. You would be holding hands as you walked through the building, you would jump at the attractions and try not to chuckle when John's grip on your hand tightened or when you felt him flinch. Once you walked out of the house, you wrapped your arms around John's arm and laughed. He would deny being scared at any point in the haunted house but you knew better.

Faith Seed-

Faith doesn't like scary things, she hates it, but you wanted to go. You told her that she didn't have to go with you and that you would never make her, but she insisted on going. The whole time you were in the O'Hara Haunted house, Faith was holding your hand or had her arm wrapped around yours. She didn't want to let you go, and you held on to her too whether you were scared or if you just wanted to comfort her. Afterwards she would let out a sign of relief and take your hand before going back home.


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