Part 11: A Snake in the Lions' den

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The days of the second year all seemed to blend for Lily, with only a few moments standing out. Like how Mitch did dye his hair an electric blue out in a crowd. It was more noticeable than Weasley's hair. But Lily had to admit that somehow, he made that hair colorwork. 

And then there was a game against Gryffindor. It had been very close. Gryffindor had started off and pretty much ended dominating Slytherin. When things loostarted to hunt intently for the Snitch. She had made no show when she saw it, and caught it, much to everyone's shock, for no one had seen her chasing it. The game ended three hundred and sixty to three hundred and forty, with Slytherin barely winning. Raven had been furious, and had increased their practices, and upped how brutal they were.

 But otherwise, things were the same. She went to classes, played Quidditch, hung out with her friends, and fought with Gryffindors. Her life was beginning todays before Christmas break came, things looked a bit brighter. Well . . . she found something to entertain her that is. 

Lily had been asked by Professor Slughorn to come and see him after dinner in his office. She took her time eating, but could no longer prolong it. It wasn't the talk to him Professor Slughorn was probably her favorite teacher. It was just that Lily knew he would ramble if given the chance and time. But if she game wouldn't be able to stay there long before curfew. Lily had reached the floor where Slughorn's office was when she found them. 

"So, we've got only one last Hogsmeade visit before Christmas break." Lily stopped walking.

 That was Albus's voice. Lily looked around the corner to see him talking to a girl. 

She was about his height, maybe a little shorter, with light blonde hair and dark eyes. Lily knew who she was. She knew her name was Emma, but couldn't rename it. But Lily was positive that she was a Ravenclaw.

"Yeah, but I am excited for Christmas. Some of my cousins are coming to our house for this one. It'll be the first time I'll have seen them in a long time," Emma smiled.

"You don't see them often?" Albus said with a furrowed brow, an interesting look in his eyes.

"No, they go to Beauxbatons. I like seeing them," Emma replied. 

"I love my family."

Albus smiled. "As do I. They're the most important people to me."

Lily bit back a loud laugh. What a lie! He was the most important person in his life! He hated his sister! But this was something Lily just had to take advantage of.

Lily stepped out from behind the corner, but the two flirting teens didn't notice her. "Oh! Al, I've been looking for you everywhere!" Lily exclaimed.

Both fourth years looked at her, Albus trying to hold back an angry look, and failing. "Yes?" he asked, his teeth clenched.

Lily stepped so that she was just in front of them. "Well, perhaps you could come with me, and we can talk?"Just like Lily expected, Albus didn't move. 

"Just tell me, Lily. I see no reason why we can't talk in front of Emma."Lily smiled. She knew what he was trying to do. In his mind, she could do or say nothing bad in front of Emma without him seem like an innocent victim. Athe thought.

"Well, I just got a letter from Mum. She said that she would send your potion for that um . . . problem you've got, ya know?" Lily said, mumbling a bit at the end.

Emma looked at Albus curiously. Albus himself looked horrified and furious. "What problem, Al?"

Lily bit her lip, hoping that she didn't seem like she was going to laugh. "Well, I should be going. Professor Slughorn needs to speak with me. Bye, big bro. Bye"

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