Part 70: Heart to heart

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"Lily, are you listening to me?" Lola's voice was sharp and slightly annoyed.

Lily blinked a few times and looked over at her best friend. She was staring at Lily with a raised brow and annoyed frown. Lily sighed. "Sorry, what did you say?"

Lola rolled her eyes. "You and I have only been talking for no longer than ten minutes, and you've spaced off at least fifteen times!"

Lily ran a hand through her hair. The two girls were sitting in the common room during their morning break. Books were opened, giving the illusion to studying, but really they'd simply been talking about anything but academics.

"I'm sorry, but I've still got that whole meeting between the governors in my mind," Lily admitted.

"Lily, that was days ago. What could still be bothering you? We've taken the correct and thorough precautions to keep from being shut down," Lola replied.

Lily bit her lip, debating on admitting what was bothering her. "You might think it sounds ridiculous," she retorted.

"Try me," Lola countered.

Lily looked at her friend, who looked firmly concerned. The firm look was in her expression, the concern in her eyes. Lily hesitated, but she knew that Lola was always willing to listen until all was said and done. "Well, it's the whole thing about Albus giving them information about me," she told Lola.

"What about it?" Lola asked.

Lily sighed. "Well, considering everything, it shouldn't surprise me . . . but it does! And it bothers me! I mean . . . something that personal . . . something that was between only our family? I mean with how bad things are, I wouldn't go off telling the governors about his tryst in the closet! It just . . . I oddly can't believe that he would give information like that to those people," she ranted quietly.

Lola leaned back into her seat. "That's not ridiculous. I can understand why you feel like this."

"Then can you explain it to me?" Lily requested.

"You and Albus . . . when you two fight, Albus rarely fights himself. The things you've told me, it sounds like he's always telling your dad or James, wanting them to pick his fights. He's rarely approached you on his own. But you two have never flat out told a teacher or someone similar what the other has done. You've kept personal things in your family so far. But the idea that he would release something so personal, when you never would have thought to, is what shocks you," Lola explained. Then she grinned. "Sorry, if that made little sense."

Lily shook her head. "No, I understood. And I guess you're right." Lily paused, then sighed. "So, what do I do about it though? How do I get it out of my mind?"

"Confront him about it," Lola suggested.

"It'll just end up in a big argument," Lily dismissed.

"Then maybe that's what you need. The closure. Either way, you need to understand his reasons if you want to get past this. And whether they're good or bad, you can let it go," Lola replied. "So talk to him."

But that was easier said than done. No matter how she approached it, she would never be able to speak with Albus alone. He would never accept a note asking to speak one-on-one, and he was always flocked by somebody, whether it was Rose, or Tyler Creevey, or both. Lily knew that she was just going to have to give up and talk to him in front of a hostile group. So, that was what she decided to do . . . but she was bringing a small group of her own, just to stay even.

So when the fifth years in Slytherin, and Hugo, were walking to the Great Hall for lunch, Lily caught sight of Albus, Rose, and Tyler talking in a small cluster up ahead. So she grabbed Shannon and Jace, pulling them aside.

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ