Part 45: Match made in heaven

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Lily took careful steps as she balanced a full tray on her hands and walked across the room. It was her luck that the table furthest from the counter would have the biggest order. When she reached the table, Lily began placing the orders down.

"A water, two butterbeers, and a sweet tea. A burger and fries combo, a chef salad, a basket of fish sticks, and a plain burger," Lily listed as she set down each order in front of the person. "Is there anything else you need?"

"Nah, we're good. Thanks," the man dismissed.

Lily sighed as she walked back to the counter, the tray much lighter in her hands now. She set it on the counter with a loud clatter. "Can I sit now?"

"Wish you could, sweetheart, but a couple kids just sat down in your section," Hannah warned her.

Lily turned around and felt her heart begin to really pound. Now sitting at a table in her section was Lana, Lars, Mitch, Dante, and Scorpius. Lily couldn't look away from Scorpius. His hair was obviously getting a little longer, hanging down into his eyes. The green streaks had been made darker. He wore baggy denim jeans, and a loose black shirt. He was so . . .

"Gunna stare down there all day, or you gunna take his order?" Hugo asked teasingly.

Lily licked her lips. "I might. It's hard not to stare."

"Why? What's so special about him?" Hugo asked as he pulled out a few glasses from behind the counter.

"He's a stud," Lily muttered back.

"Then go!" Hugo shoved her shoulders, pushing her forward. Lily stumbled a little before continuing toward her friends, a notepad in hand.

They seemed to notice her approach, and smiled at her. "Look! We sat in Lil's section," Dante said with a grin.

Lily sort of smiled at them, her eyes still on Scorpius. "Hey, guys. What can I get you?"

"Just a couple butterbeers," Lars told her. "We just stopped in for a drink."

Lily wrote it down, but kept glancing at Scorpius. His eyes were on her too. "I'll get that in a second." She quickly turned and walked quickly back to the counter. Her heart was racing, and her body felt warm. How did he do that to her? She went behind the counter and began to pull five butterbeers from the little fridge.

"Hey," a deep voice greeted.

Lily turned around quickly to see Scorpius resting his elbows on the counter, and leaning toward her. She quickly put the bottles down before she dropped them. "Um, hey."

Scorpius gazed at her intensely. "I told you I would visit you at work," he murmured.

Lily smiled a little, biting her lip all the while. "Yeah. You did."

"I think we need to talk," he said quietly.

Lily gulped as she looked down at the wood of the counter. "Yeah. Yeah, we do." She looked back up at him. "My break starts in fifteen minutes."

Scorpius nodded once. "I'll be here." He took the bottles and walked back to his table.

For the next fifteen minutes, Lily's heart beat erratically. What was he going to say? What would she say? Would he say it was all a mistake? Or that they were better as friends? Would he say she was too young? He was too mature? After all, he was a man, Lily thought. He looked like one, acted like one (usually), and he even smelled like one.

But before she could think of a way to back out of this 'talk', Scorpius was walking up to the counter, and obviously waiting for her. "So, can we talk somewhere?"

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Where stories live. Discover now