Part 56: Glad you're well, Lily Luna

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Lily was felt grateful and immensely guilty the next morning, when she saw that both of her parents had left. Professor Longbottom had told her that they said the family would all talk once Christmas came. Lily dreaded the thought. But Draco and Astoria stayed. And she found that she had company while Madam Pomfrey got things ready so that Lily could be up and walking within the hour.

"Ok, Lily," Madam Pomfrey said as she brought things over to the bed, the bedside table was full of gifts still. "We're going to add some more padding and bandages to your arm and shoulder. Most of the bruises and cuts are gone now, and if not are fading. I was able to fix your jaw, although it will probably be sore for another day or so. Your nose, fingers, wrist, and shoulder will take a bit more time though, as everything begins to fix itself. I've got a plastic guard for you to fit around your face. It'll be easy to see, but will protect your nose."

Lily picked up the plastic thing with her good hand. "It just looks hideous," Lily mentioned dryly. It had padding where it would touch her forehead and nose, and openings for her to see out of, so her view wasn't obstructed by the plastic.

"You shouldn't have to wear it long. And it's what you get for playing such a dangerous and brutal sport," Madam Pomfrey retorted as she finished up the thick bandages on Lily's arm, hand, and shoulder. Then she took the face guard from Lily's hands, and delicately placed the plastic against her face. "Hold this there, please?" she asked.

Lily did as she said, and with her good hand, held the mask in place. Meanwhile, Madam Pomfrey began to hook the straps together behind her head, keeping it fixed onto her face. Lily put her hand down, and the mask stayed firm in place. Lily grimaced. She hadn't seen herself, but she already hated how it felt on her. Bulky, ugly, and it made her feel like she was disfigured.

"Why am I wearing this again?" Lily asked as Madam Pomfrey moved away.

"To keep from your nose or jaw getting hurt worse while they heal. If you want to get up and walk about, then this is the precaution you have to take. Or, you can stay here until you heal, and you won't have to wear it," Madam Pomfrey told her.

Lily sighed. "No, I'll wear it. Can I get up?"

Madam Pomfrey was the one to sigh next. "Yes. Let me pull the curtain around, so you have some privacy to change. Miss Pritchard brought you your uniform," she told Lily. Draco and Astoria stepped back, and Madam Pomfrey pulled a curtain around Lily's bed. A light blue hue was cast around the bed. With a deep breath, and the help of her good arm, Lily moved her legs off the bed. It took a bit of effort, they felt so heavy, but only a little sore. Nothing to worry about. She grabbed the clothes that Pomfrey had placed at the end of her bed, and she carefully began to change. It was difficult. It took her longer than normal since she only had one hand at her disposal, and she threw away the jumper. It was too difficult to get over the face guard. She stuck with buttoning up the white blouse, and calling it good.

She pulled the curtain back, and looked at Astoria. "Could you get my tie for me? I can't do it with one hand," Lily asked.

Astoria smiled as she stepped closer and picked the tie up off of the bed. "Of course, sweetie," she assured. She began to put the tie around her neck.

Draco stepped closer as well. "How does it feel to be on your feet?" he asked.

Lily shrugged with her one good shoulder. "It's not too bad. A little work, but nothing I can't handle."

"That's good to hear. Astoria and I will probably be heading back home, now that you're able to move around," Draco told her.

"Unless you need us to stay," Astoria argued as she finished up the tie.

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