Part 13: Tension Rising

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The day after the game, Lily awoke to find a mountain of treats and gifts on the table next to her bed. 

"They're from admirers, classmates, the team, and your friends," Madam Pomfrey had told her. So Lily spent the morning eating Chocolate Frogs, pastries, andkinds of candy.But then Madam Pomfrey gave her the bad news. 

"Well, I still have a few things to mend, and some of the potions take time to kick in, so I think I'll have you at least one more night." 

Lily groaned with dismay. It was a Monday, so the others couldn't visit her. Not while they were in class. But she did finally get a visitor a few hours before lunch. Raven Bole came into the room. 

Lily raised a brow at his appearance. "Shouldn't you be in class, captain?" she taunted with a smile. 

He smirked. "I have a free period, so I thought I should come and see my Seeker. Now that she's on the disabled list," Raven told her. He took the seat next to her bed, "When  are you being let outta here?" 

"Tomorrow at the least," she told him. "Pomfrey still has things to fix. I'm pretty broken up."

Raven's smirk turned into a grin. "I'm not surprised. But I was proud that you got up and kept playing after that fall. I thought we were done for when you fell.

Lily gave a small shrug. "You've gotta be tougher than the game." 

"That's what I like to hear!" Raven said with a laugh. "The rest of the team is coming over around dinner, but I wanted to show you this first." He pulled a folder from his robe. "I just got a copy from Madam Hooch." 

Lily took the paper and looked at it. It was a score sheet of the Quidditch teams. Gryffindor had three hundred and forty, Ravenclaw seven hundred and thirty,hundred and fifty, and . . ."We're in the lead!" Lily squealed in delight. 

Slytherin had eight hundred and eighty points!Raven gave a smile too. "Now, let's not get too excited. There are still three matches left in the season, and the points can change easily. But I thought you'dthat your injuries weren't for nothing." 

"Oh, Mr. Bole, please tell me that you aren't in here for another injury." Both Slytherins looked to see Madam Pomfrey coming toward them. 

Raven gave a grin. "Nah, I'm just here to visit." 

"Well I'm sure your next class will be starting soon, so you two might want to finish up," she told them.Raven gave an uninterested nod. 

He stood up, walking backward. "Sure. I'll see you around dinner, Lu. Oh, and be ready, because Lars feels guilty about that Bludger that took ya out." 

Lily shook her head and laughed. 


Lily's next visitors were Lola and Jace, who came during lunch. 

"You are crazy!" Lola told her once they saw that she was awake. 

Lily smiled. "It's nice to see you too, Lola." 

Lola gave a small smile as well. "Are you ok? Are you still hurt or . . .?" 

"I'm a little sore still, but that should be gone around tomorrow, I guess," Lily explained. 

Jace grinned. "That's good. Classes have been pretty boring this morning. But I guess it was worth it. That was an awesome game." 

Lola smacked his arm. "That was not worth it! She could have been really hurt!" she protested. "That was a really big fall!" 

Jace just rolled his eyes. "You just don't understand the sport, and the intense feelings for the game." 

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Where stories live. Discover now