Part 19: People changing with time

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Lily couldn't hold back her smile as she closed her trunk, having finally packed her bags for school, the morning before they would be leaving. After Scorpius gave the news that he would be the new Quidditch Captain, time passed even more quickly. It was almost like being at Hogwarts all over again, which didn't bother her. Every other day she had lessons with Slughorn, which were going great, and the other days the whole team had agreed to meet up and practice. Scorpius had been right, Tanner was a great addition to the team, and they were all sure that he would beat all of the other kids that tried out for the Beater position.

But now it was time for Lily to start her third year, and she was so excited about it! Hogsmeade trips, Quidditch, classes, and her extra lessons with Slughorn. But best of all, she'd be back with her friends, and away from her annoying siblings and cousins. It was perfect!

There was a knock at Lily's door. "Lily?" Lily turned her head to see her mum pop her head into the room. "Are you ready?"

Lily looked at her things. She had her trunk, and she'd already let Regal out so he could fly to Hogwarts. And next to her trunk laid her brand-new broom. It was a Wood 100 Model, made by famous Quidditch player, Oliver Wood. After retiring a few years ago, there had been rumors everywhere that he was planning on starting up his line of brooms. That became true when he made his first broom two years ago, named the Wood Model. Now, thanks to Scorpius, Lily owned his brand-new model. It was sleek, and Lily knew for a fact it was fast and had perfect turning. She fell in love as soon as she'd held it in her hand.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Lily told her mum with another smile.

Ginny closed the door. "Well, it seems that your brothers are going to be a bit longer. Albus isn't done packing, and James just started. I'm glad I woke you all up early."

Lily tried not to roll her eyes. Since they had all received their letters, James and Albus had been strutting around the house even more arrogantly. Albus never shut up about how he was going to be the best Prefect ever, and James never shut up about how Gryffindor could never lose a game with him as captain. Lily was itching to prove him wrong this November.

"Surprise, surprise," was all Lily muttered.

Ginny chuckled and sat down on the bed, next to Lily's trunk. "Have you already sent Regal out?"

"'Bout an hour ago," Lily assured.

"You have everything you need?" Ginny asked.

"Yes, Mum."

"Your uniforms, other clothes, your books, supplies . . ."

"Yes, Mum," Lily laughed. "No worries. I'm not the boys. I won't forget anything."

Ginny smiled fondly at her daughter. "I know. I just can't believe how big you're getting. I didn't know how small your robes from last year were until we got you refitted."

Lily sat down next to her. It was true. Their mum had made all of the Potter children try on their robes to see if they needed to get bigger ones. Only Lily and James needed new ones this year. Lily remembered laughing at Albus's pouting face. Once they were away from their parents, Lily couldn't help but poke fun at how Albus wasn't growing at all, and would always be a little boy.

"Also, I wanted to ask you something, sweetheart," Ginny told her. She began playing with her daughter's hair absentmindedly.

Lily wasn't at all bothered by her mother's touch. "What is it?"

"Well, I noticed that when we got book shopping, you had a list of books that were separate from your school list. Your father bought them for you, but I was curious as to what they are, and what they are for?" Ginny asked.

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