Part 115:The unpredictability of life

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"Merlin! Dammit!" Lily cried out as another contraction tore apart her lower body. She felt the sting of tears in her eyes at the pain of it.

"Just breathe, Lily, it'll pass," Ginny reassured, smoothing back her daughter's hair.

Lily squeezed Scorpius's hand as it got worse. "Where the hell is Vic with that potion?" she screamed.

"She's on her way," Hermione assured.

In the hospital room with her was Scorpius, her brother, parents, his parents, Hermione, and Rose and Hugo. But the men in the room were quiet, obviously either scared or unsure of what to say. Scorpius just held her hand, and the women did their best to soothe her.

Lily did not want to hear pretty words. She wanted that freaking potion to end the suffering of her lower body! This was taking too long to start, and she felt like she was on fire with every contraction.

"Never again, Scorpius Malfoy!" Lily yelled to her husband. "I am not doing this again!"

"You didn't mean to the first time," she heard Hugo mutter, prompting half the women in the room to glare at him, his mother and sister included.

Lily loosened her grip on Scorpius's hand as the contraction subsided. Ginny looked to Hugo. "Did you time it?"

Hugo nodded. "Yeah." He showed his aunt his watch.

Lily looked at Scorpius, how looked a bit confused and uncertain. She took in a gulp of air, her breaths still light pants. "Is something wrong?" she whispered.

Scorpius brought his eyes to hers. "I'm just a bit nervous," he admitted lowly to her. "I'll be a dad by the end of tonight."

Lily gave him a small smile. "Yeah. It is a bit scary."

Scorpius brought his free hand to brush a bit of hair away from her cheek. "I feel really helpless right now."

Victoire walked into the room, a potion in her hand. "Here we are, Lily. Ready?"

"You've done this before, so what do you think?" Lily demanded dryly, making Victoire laugh. Once Lily had taken the potion, she felt relieved when her lower body became almost numb it was so relaxed and painless. She let her eyelids drop a little. "Oh thank Merlin," she mumbled.

"How much longer?" Scorpius asked, watching Victoire write something on a chart.

"A few hours still. I'll be in to check every hour," Victoire assured.

Lily groaned. "Hours? Just get this child out of me!"

Ginny laughed lightly. "Just be patient, sweetheart. It'll pass quicker than you think."

Lily sighed, already a little tense in waiting for the next contraction. "This sucks," she muttered.

Scorpius gave a strong squeeze to her hand this time. "It'll be ok, princess. I'm here," he whispered.

Lily looked at him, and she smiled softly. "Thank you," she murmured gratefully.

The hours still passed too slowly for Lily. The pain made it way too slow for her, and dragged it out. While each contraction began to get closer and closer together, time seemed to go no faster for her. Until the moment came when Victoire cleared the room of all but Scorpius, and the real challenge began.

Lily had been through a lot of difficult things in her life. She'd had multiple Quidditch injuries that had been brutally painful. But nothing turned out to be as difficult and as painful as giving birth. Nothing had ever made her scream, cry, and curse at Scorpius so much.

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