Part 83: Union and Reunions

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"That is ridiculous!" Lola retorted with an eye roll. Then she gave a narrowed look at her boyfriend.

"No, it isn't!" Jace argued. "Think about it! The postal service would go so much quicker!"

Lily rolled her eyes as she continued to stroke down Salazar's back. She could hardly remember what the original conversation had been about, and couldn't at all remember how it had turned into an argument between the two of them. But inside, Lily was biting away a grin. Some things would never change, even if they were dating now.

"Do we have to watch their foreplay?" Megan asked dryly as she examined her nails. She'd been fussing over the color of her nail polish all morning, no longer liking the dark blue shade.

"Why do you call it that?" Izzy asked with a laugh. She flipped a page in her book, which she'd brought out as soon as the argument had started.

"They didn't start to pick up on their old habit of fighting until after their first kiss," Megan said as an answer.

Jace and Lola had finally had their first kiss just before leaving Hogsmeade on their first "real" date. And it was true. Apparently after that "amazing" kiss, as Lola had called it, they had grown more comfortable around each other. Comfortable enough to let themselves argue with each other, without taking it personally.

"Oh please, you and Logan fight all the time," Shannon retorted.

Surprisingly, Megan and Logan had found themselves in a relationship of their own after their flirt session at Hogsmeade. But what really surprised the other girls was that Megan hadn't told them much about her relationship with Logan. Not even a single story with the inclusion of sex, or anything close to it.

"Yeah, but at the end of our fights, we either stay mad, or simply get over it. Those two end up apologizing and get sappy and disgusting," Megan muttered.

"Don't worry," Lily assured. "One day they'll fight and storm away. Happens to every couple."

"I can't imagine you and Scorpius fighting and storming away," Shannon teased.

Lily grinned wryly. "Well I never said I like doing it, or letting it happen. It's never fun."

"Speaking of storming away, how's Hugo been, Lily?" Izzy asked.

Lily sighed. Although Hugo had told the others about what had happened, it hadn't been necessary. Somehow, word had gotten around the sixth years about how Hugo had ditched Jaclyn at Puttifoot's. But Lily was proud of how Hugo took every rumor in stride, and ignored them all. But on a more sore note, Jaclyn had refused to speak to Hugo, making him unsure of where they stood. Not to mention how awkward it got when they were at J.B. meetings together.

"I think it's mainly guilt that plagues him now," Lily replied. "Guilt for doing it, guilt for not feeling sad about Jaclyn being angry, and guilt for asking her out in the first place."

"It's his fault for being a coward," Megan retorted.

"I don't completely blame Hugo," Izzy replied. "I mean, it would be hard to watch the person you really like kissing someone else. Although, I do agree that he should have handled it better."

"Hugo's not great when he's in a flustered panic. He's like his father that way," Lily commented as she moved Salazar from her lap, and onto her jacket, which was in a ball on the seat.

"Of all the traits to receive from a parent," Megan said with a sigh.

The rest of the train ride went without a problem. Megan was right. Jace and Lola had ended up letting go of the argument, and had gotten sappy. It was enough for Lily and Megan to leave on the pretense of getting snacks from the trolley.

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