Swimming In The Ocean

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Swimming In The Ocean

Thomas and I were on vacation in Tybee Island, Georgia. I loved it here. We stayed in a condo type place and we could see the beach from our room. Right when we got there, we dropped our stuff in the doorway and grabbed our swim suits from our bags. We quickly changed. When I finished changing he came in with only his swim trunks on. I felt the urge to run my hands down his bare chest, feeling all the bumps and dents of his abs.

“Ready?” I ask Thomas. He nods excitedly. “Let’s go!” I yell, grabbing Thomas’ hand and pulling him out the door. We run barefoot down the empty streets to the beach, hand in hand. When my feet hit the hot sand, I felt adrenaline pump through my veins. I began to run faster, pulling Thomas behind me. Once my toes hit the waves and my nose got a whiff of the salty ocean air, a smile found it’s way on my face. Thomas and I ran into the water like we were children. The salty water splashed on my face as we ran deeper into the sea. The water was cold, but refreshing on my hot, sweaty body. Thomas and I went further into the dark water until it hit our waists. Then Thomas stopped, I followed his actions. We were still hand in hand, but now Thomas turns me, holding both my hands in his. Then Thomas moved closer to me, placing his hands on my waist. The waves occasionally hitting us and knocking us off our feet. Thomas held me close to him. A shiver ran up my spine as I felt his cold hands move to my back. Thomas began to lean in so I did the same. We were centimetres from each other's lips. Then out of nowhere Thomas picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I shriek.

“Thomas! Put me down!” I scream. I just hear Thomas chuckle.

“As you wish, love,” Thomas says, holding back a laugh. Then Thomas flips me off his shoulder and into bridal style. He then throws me into the air. I feel an instant flood of cold water surround my body. I decide to get Thomas back for this. I hold my breath as best I can, under the water.

“(Y/N)? (Y/N)!” I hear Thomas scream from above the water. That’s my cue. I jump up and leap onto him, causing him to fall under water. I laughed uncontrollably. Thomas reaches the surface.

“Oh, I’m gonna get you back for that!” Thomas says, mischievously. I gulp. Then I turn to run, but Thomas wraps his arms around my torso. Then he lifts me off the ground and spins me around. I laugh like a little kid. I feel Thomas soft lips gently touch the skin on my shoulder. I feel electricity surge through me. I lay my head back on his shoulder and turn to kiss his jawline. His jaw relaxes as I kiss down to his neck and shoulder.

“I love you Thomas,” I tell him.

“I love you too,” Thomas replies. Thomas holds me closer and I close my eyes. I let the sun shine down on my body. Then Thomas’ hands move down to the backs of my thighs. I know he wants me to jump, so I do. I wrap my legs around his. Thomas walks further into the ocean, still holding me. Thomas leans over to my ear.

“You look lovely,” Thomas tells me. Then Thomas wraps his arms around my waist.

“Thank you,” I say.

“Lay back,” Thomas whispers in my ear. I do as he says. I let my upper body slowly lay on the top of the water, like a bed. Thomas twirls me, so I grave the top of the ocean. I feel my hair flowing through the dark blue sea. I feel the cool ocean water surrounding my body and my face. Thomas lifts me up and I wrap my arms around his neck. I lay my head on my arm, that is laid across his shoulders. I feel Thomas’ arms still holding me, around my waist.

“Love, I need to show you something,” Thomas tells me. I lift my head and nod. Thomas carries my until the water is up to his knees, then he sets me down, but he does grab my hand. Then he starts running, I have no choice, but to do the same. Thomas practically drags me back to our condo. He hurriedly unlocks our door, then runs inside. I follow, right behind him.

“Thomas! Where are you going?!” I yell after him.

“Come and see, Love,” Thomas calls to me. I run to find him. I find him in our bedroom, holding something behind his back.

“Thomas, what are you holding?” I ask him, walking closer to him.

“Our future,” Thomas says, winking. What does that even mean? Thomas

“Thomas…” I say, trailing off, actually Thomas cut me off.

“(Y/N), I love you with all my heart and I couldn’t imagine loving you any less. You are the only person I want to love for the rest of my life,” Thomas said, walking closer and closer to me. Then once he’s right in front of me, he gets down on one knee. Then shows me a blue velvet box. My heart races as he continues. “(Y/N), will you marry me?” Thomas asks. I feel happy tears fall down my cheeks as I nod my head vigorously.

“Yes! Yes! Of course!” I yelled. Thomas stood up revealing the ring. I gasped as I saw the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. It had small diamonds around the band and then under the main diamond was a royal blue diamond. I started squealing as Thomas slipped the ring on my finger. I jump into Thomas’ arms and he spun me around. My wet hair stuck to the sides of my face, but I didn’t mind because I’m too happy. I lean back from the hug and plant my lips on his. I kiss him like I’ve never kissed him before. With more passion, more lust, and more thought. Thought of the future.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant