The Meet And Greet

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The Meet And Greet

Thomas Pov

Argh another meet and greet for The Scorch Trials. I am kind of sick of this. All the people staring at me. All the questions that I get asked every time. All the pictures and autographs. I’m getting a headache just thinking about it.

“Thomas, you ready yet?” I hear Dylan ask as I grab my phone and slip it into my back pocket.

“Yup,” I say, faking a smile. Then I walk out into the crowd of fangirls and paparazzi. I feel all eyes on Dylan and I. Cameras flash and girls shriek. I just put a smile on my face and push through.

“Dylan, are you sick of these yet?” I ask, through my teeth.

“I was sick of them about a week ago,” he replies, through his teeth too. I turn to him and smile, genuinely smile. He returns the smile.  

Dylan and I sign autographs and take pictures with what feels like millions of fans. We walk from fan to fan, waiting in a huge line. I run my hand through my hair as I glance to the end of the line, which is like another hour away. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to last. I take a deep breath then scan the crowd of mostly fangirls. As my eyes move from girl to girl, they stop. They stop on the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my life. Her long blond hair blows in the wind. She is smiling from ear to ear. Her long eyelashes bat and practically blow me away. I can’t tell what color her eyes are from here, but all I want to do right now is find out. This girl hasn’t realized that I’m staring at her yet. I know when she does she’s either gonna fangirl all over the place or think I’m a complete weirdo. I really should look away, but my heart won’t let me. So I stare on.

“Mr. Sangster?” I hear a voice say. I just ignore it and keep staring. She still hasn’t seen me.

“Thomas?” I hear a different voice say. I ignore that voice too. Then I see a hand wave in front of my face. I blink and turn to see Dylan standing there, with his hand on his hip.

“What?” I say, trying to act cool.

“Dude, were you just gawking at that girl?” Dylan asks.

“Umm…” is all I say. Nothing else comes out. I just stutter a bit. I feel so stupid. Literally all I say is umm.

“I gotcha man,” Dylan says, then he slaps me on the back. I watch as he walks into the crowd of girls. They all start screaming and putting their hands out for him to touch. I see him go to the girl I was staring at and whisper something in her ear. Then I see her nod violently. Her face lights up and her smile grows even bigger, if that’s even possible. The two of them walk back over to me.

“Thomas, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Thomas, but you probably already knew that,” Dylan says. Then he continues with his autograph signing and picture taking. Oh my God. Now what do I do. I can’t speak. I want to say that I think she’s the prettiest girl alive. Or that I think her gold eyes melt my heart. Yup, gold, her eyes are definitely gold.

“I...I...Umm…” I stutter. Seriously, what’s wrong with me.

“I think you are a fantastic actor,” (Y/N) says, twirling a strand of her hair. Thank God she said something. I thought it was just gonna be me stuttering for the whole conversation.

“Thank you,” I get out. “I think you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” I blurt out. Her eyes widen and her smile seems to grow even more.

“Well, thank you,” she replies. I can tell this is gonna be great.


(A/N): Thanks to @sincerely-casey for requesting. I hope everyone likes it. Thanks for all the reads, comments, and votes. I just reached 48 thousand reads! That’s so amazing!

Thanks a bunch!

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