Love Her To Death

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Love Her To Death

Thomas Pov

PS: It’s very sad.

She broke my heart. She cheated on me. My true love doesn’t love me as much as I love her. I feel like I’ve been stabbed in the chest over and over again.

I’ve been laying on my couch, drinking any and all the alcohol I can find. Anything to get her out of my head. I want it to stop. It hurts too much. Even when I drink, it doesn’t numb the hurt.

I see (Y/N) walking down the road in our small town. I see her once in a while, but every time, all she does is stare. She stares with her beautiful brown eyes, that I miss losing myself in. I don’t know how much longer I can last.

She watches me as I stumble to my car. Her eyes never leave me and mine never leave her. When I get into my car, I start it up and drive. Drive far away. Drive anywhere. It hurts to much to think so I just go. I look over at the bottle of whiskey in the passenger seat. I just stare at it, hoping the pain will fade if I drink one more bottle. I know that’s not the case. I pick it up and stare into the amber colored liquid. I lose myself in the sloshing noise. Then I stop the car at the side of the road. I stare into my only solution to my heart break. Then I chug it. I chug until there is nothing left, but the thought of (Y/N). I slam my head against the steering wheel, trying to get the memory of her out of my head. I lift my head, feeling a warm liquid trickle down my forehead and onto my nose. I put my car back into drive and then began to drive home. I drive faster than the speed limit, but I don’t care. I won’t be able to care soon. I felt myself begin to shake as I pasted (Y/N) on the street, on my way home. There is only one more thing I need to do. There is only one more thing I can do.


(Y/N) Pov

I went. I went even though I was afraid. I went even though I was devastated. I went even though it broke my heart.

I watched as Thomas was lowered into the ground, next to our favorite tree. The oak we had our first kiss under. I watched as they filled the hole with dirt. I watched as the preacher said how great of a man Thomas was. I watched as his family cried.

I couldn’t help, but feel guilty for what Thomas did. I don’t blame Thomas for any of this. I blame myself. I broke his heart. I was the reason why he would get drunk every morning when he woke up and every night before he went to bed.

I read the note that Thomas had left for me, over and over again.

I will always love you, (Y/N). Even when I dead.


Everytime I read the words, I cried. Then I drank. And I drank. I would try and drink the hurt away. I tried to numb my pain. The pain that I knew would never go away. I hated myself every second for what I did. I couldn’t tell if it hurt more that he was gone or that it was all my fault he is gone.

Why did he have to leave? Why did he have to leave me, alone, in the horrific world? Why did I have to cheat?

I take another swig of whiskey. Then I take the note and put it behind a framed picture of Thomas and I. I hold the picture close to me. Close to my heart. There is only one more thing I need to do. There is only one more thing I can do.


3rd Person Pov

I watched as my Aunt (Y/N) was laid deep into the ground and covered with dirt. They buried her under her favorite oak tree. The one she had her first kiss under, with Thomas. They lay together under their tree.

I see them. They are hugging and kissing. Thomas holds (Y/N) tight in his arms. I’ve never seen my aunt that happy. She was always sad or drunk. Now she’s seems like a different person. A better person. I guess that’s what happens when you are in love.



Hey you guys. Okay this story was inspired by my new favorite song “Whiskey Lullaby”. If you haven’t heard it, you should listen to it. I love it so much. So I thought it would be a good story. Thanks so much for reading, commenting, and voting. I appreciate it so much.

Thanks a bunch!

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