Kissed By His Best Friend Part 3

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Kissed By His Best Friend Part 3

Thomas and I drove to the restaurant. He kept his hand on my leg the entire drive. But I kept thinking about my big news that I had to tell him. Why is this so hard?

Before I knew it, we were there. Thomas hurried out, so he could open my door for me. I smiled and nodded towards him, thanking him. He bowed dramatically. I just rolled my eyes at him. Thomas hooked arms with me and we marched into one of the fanciest restaurants I’ve ever seen. As we walk through the front door, I feel underdressed and sloppy. I lean over to Thomas, to whisper in his ear.

“Thomas, this place is really fancy,” I whisper to him.

“Only the best for you, love,” he tells me, poking my nose. I giggle quietly. Thomas and I walk up to the hostess.

“Name?” she asks, as we get to the counter she is working at.

“Thomas Sangster,” Thomas tells the blonde hostess. Her eyes scan through a long list of names. Then she looks up at us, a smile plastered on her face.

“Ahh, here,” she points to Thomas’ name on her sheet, “follow me,” she says, so we do. She leads us to an empty table with a single candle lighting up the table. The hostess gestures for us to sit, then leaves us alone. Thomas pulls my chair out for me and I sit, as he pushes it in.

“Thanks, babe,” I say as Thomas sits down. He is such a gentleman.

“You're welcome,” he responds with a cute smirk. Thomas then takes both of my hands in his and squeezes them.

“I love you,” he tells me looking deep into my eyes. I do the same to him and admire his gorgeous brown eyes. The ones that make my heart melt whenever I look into them.

“I love you, too,” I respond. He squeezes my hands again. I think this is the right oimr to tell him. Then, of course, our waiter comes and interrupts our moment.

“Hello, I’m Alex,” he explains and points to his name tag that’s pinned to his shirt. “I will be your waiter this evening. Can I start you off with anything to drink?” Alex asks us.

“Water, please,” I say, with a smile.

“Make that two,” Thomas says, putting two fingers in the air. Alex jots something down on his notepad, then he scurries over to the kitchen. Thomas looks me in the eyes again and I smile brightly.

We finish eating our dinner. I still haven't told Thomas. I open my mouth to start to tell him when I suddenly don’t feel good. Oh no.

“Umm… Thomas, I’m gonna quickly use the bathroom,” I tell him and he nods. Then I practically run to the bathroom. I slam open a stall and drop to my knees. I stick my head into the toilet and all my dinner comes out. After throwing up my whole ceasar salad, I lean back onto my calves. I sit there for a while, with my hands covering my upset stomach. I feel tears coming down my face. I’m sick of this. Then I hear a knock at the bathroom door.

“(Y/N)? Are you still in here?” a voice asks.  I know it’s Thomas.

“Umm… Yes,” I tell him. I push the stall door open, so he can see me.

“Are you okay, love?” he asks, walking over to me and laying his hands on my shoulders. Then he kneels down in front of me and wipes away a couple of my stray tears. I just nod slowly.

“Are you sure?” Thomas asked. I know that he knows something is up. And I know he won’t stop until he knows what’s up. I close my eyes and exhale. Then I shake my head ‘no’. I can tell he’s giving me a confused look, even though my eyes are still closed.

“(Y/N)?” Thomas whispers in my ear. i feel his warm breath hit my neck and it gives me chills. I open my eyes and look into his.

“I didn’t know how to tell you,” I blurt out, as Thomas wiped more of my tears away from my cheeks. They kept screaming down like a storm.

“Tell me what?” Thomas says, almost mad sounding. I jump a bit at his sudden change in emotion.

“I’m sorry,” Thomas tells me, “It’s just that I’m worried about you. You haven’t been yourself in weeks. You’ve been crying, a lot, I think you gained a little bit of weight and now you're throwing up…” he stops himself. His expression changes. Thomas knows. I squeeze my eyes shut as the tears stream down my cheeks. I put my face into my hands and sob. I just can’t help myself. Then I feel Thomas wrap his muscular arms around me and pull me into a warm embrace. After a while he pulls away and looks at me. My eyes are still closed. I feel his soft lips touch mine and his thumb wipe away a couple tears that still fall down my cheek. I open my eyes to see Thomas grinning, like he just won the lottery. He places his hand on my stomach.

“Why are you smiling?” I ask, giving him a confused look.

“Why not smile?” Thomas says, now taking his turn to looked confused. Then his smile returns.

“So you aren’t mad at me?” I ask. I feel more tears on the urge of falling.

“Why would I be mad? I’m gonna be a daddy!” Thomas cheers. He hugs me again. Then I pull away.

“I never said it was your baby,” I tell him, my face emotionless. Thomas eyes widen and his smile drops. “It’s Dylan’s” I admit. Thomas’ jaw drops to the ground.

“What?!” he almost screams. A smile comes across my face.

“I’m kidding,” I laugh. Thomas lets out a sigh of relief. Then he gives me a ‘you scared me half to death’ look. I laugh harder, Thomas laughs too.

“I can’t believe you tried to trick me like that. I actually thought I’d have to kill Dylan,” Thomas laughs. I laugh along.

“I had to,” I say, playfully punching his shoulder.

“Come on, let’s get you home before you puke again,” Thomas says. Helping me to my feet. I stumble a bit, so he carries me bridal style. I roll my eyes at how cliché Thomas is. But I love it. He kisses my forehead as we walk through the restaurant, with all eyes on us. I don’t mind. I just stare into his brown eyes and lay my head on his chest. Thomas and I are going to have a baby!

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon