Forgot My Towel

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Forgot My Towel

I hurriedly ran into the shower after coming home from the beach. I need to shower quickly then Thomas, my roommate and best friend, is going with me to dinner. I love hanging out with Thomas. Especially because I have a small crush on him, but i can’t tell him because I don’t want to ruin our relationship.

I run into the bathroom that Tom and I share. I turned on my radio and started to jam out. I strip down then I turn the knob on the shower. The hot water rained down. I stuck my hand out into the water and felt it with my hand. It felt good so I stepped in. I felt the warm water wash away any extra sand and salt water.

I took my body wash and scrubbed my body clean. Then I squirt some shampoo into my hand and massaged it into my hair. After that I did the same with the conditioner. Then I quickly cleansed my face. When I was done I just stood in the hot water for a while. I closed my eyes and let the water run down my body.

After a while of that, I turn off the water and stepped out. I glanced around the room for my towel. I couldn’t find it. Crap. I checked under the sink for any extra towels. Crap. Crap. Crap! I washed all the extra towels and left them in the living room. Shoot. I turned off the radio and then I glanced around the room for anything to cover my body. Nothing. I huffed. I opened the door a crack. Good the hallway is empty. I prepare to sprint into my room.

I fling open the bathroom door and start running for my life, towards my room. At that same moment, out of the corner of my eye, I see Tom open his bedroom door. He didn’t see me, but instead he walked right in front of me. I couldn’t stop myself from running, so I ran right into him. I fell on top of him. My face instantly turned bright crimson. Tom’s face turned the same color when he realized I wasn’t wearing any clothes. Tom’s eyes went wide as he examined my body. I thought it was kind of weird that he did that, but whatever. His jaw kind of dropped a bit. And at that exact moment, I swear I saw a small smirk begin to form on Tom’s face.

“I’m so sorry, Tom,” I said as I tried to scramble off him. I felt his hand touch my upper chest as I did so. I blushed even more. “I’m so so so sorry!” I yelled and sprinted into my room. I slammed the door behind me.

I flopped onto my bed, traumatized. No. No! I can’t believe that happened.

After a while of just laying on my bed, mourning over what had just happened. I get up and walk into my closet. I quickly put on my undergarments. That’s when I hear a knock at my bedroom door.

“(Y/N)?” I hear Tom’s deep, British voice said on the other side of the door. Before I could say anything, Tom opens the door and steps in. His eyes widen as he see that I’m not fully clothed. Before Tom turns around, he kind of smirks.

“I’m sorry,” Tom says, facing the door. I hurriedly put on a long shirt that is long enough to cover my butt.

“You can turn around,” I whisper, barely audible for Tom to hear. He does as I say, then I go and sit on the edge of my bed, with a glum look on my face. I drop my head into the hands and just sit like that, feeling so awkward and flustered. I hear Tom shuffles across the room and sit next to me. Tom slings his arm around my shoulders.

“Hey, it’s okay,” Tom says, rubbing circles on my back. I lift my head out of my hands.

“No it’s not! I feel so weird. You saw me… Without…” I say, but don’t finish. Instead I groan and rest my head back in my hands.

“Well, I can’t say I didn’t see… You… In a new way, but you did look amazing… You know… Your body was… Wow!” Tom stuttered, nervously rubbing his neck. I giggled a bit and then I felt Tom’s hand touch my upper thigh. At the feeling, my head shot up. I felt myself blushing. I glanced over at Tom and saw him begin to lean forward. Before I knew it, Tom’s lips were locked with mine.

When I pulled away, I began to blush badly.

“Tom…” I begin to say, but Tom cuts me off when he leans in again to kiss me.

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