Newt: Loses You

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Newt: Loses You

Newt Pov

I wake up late again. I haven’t woken up on time since… (Y/N)...

I get up and trudge outside. My eyes still feel heavy, like I got no sleep at all. Last night was actually the first night in a week I slept through the night. I didn’t have a nightmare about (Y/N). I didn’t wake up yelling her name or bawling my eyes out. Maybe today will be okay. Just when I start to feel less horrible, I hear the sound I dread so much. The sound of a new greenie. I groan, but I couldn’t even hear myself. The sound drained out my noise. I slowly walked over to the box, not wanting to see the scared, helpless face of the newbie, but I do.

“Newt, how have you been?” I hear Alby ask, as I watch Gally and Fry open the box.

“Well, for one, I feel like klunk,” I say, almost ending with a laugh. Almost. I force a smile and I can tell Alby knows it fake. He just kind of slaps me on the back and walks over to Gally, as he jumps down into the bow, to help the greenie. I follow.

“Day one greenie, rise and shine,” I hear Gally say. I roll my eyes. Gally says that everytime a new greenie comes up in the box. As I get closer I feel myself remembering the day I helped (Y/N) up, out of the box. I feel a knot in my throat and I can barely hold back the tears. I just stop, take a breath, then keep walking.

“Hey greenie, name’s Newt,” I say, putting my hand out to him. He shakes it. “You know your name?” I ask.

“Thomas,” the greenie tells me. I nod.

Thomas has been hanging with me ever since we met and I’m okay with it. It keeps my mind off… Her. Thomas and I are eating when he asks me The Question.

“So, how come there aren’t any girls here?” Thomas asks. Instantly feel the knot in my throat return and I feel like throwing up. I open my mouth to say something. Anything, but nothing comes out.

“Newt, are you okay?” Thomas asks. I want to nod, but I don’t. I don’t even move. I just sit there, staring at Thomas. After a while, with only silence, I get my voice back.

“Her name was (Y/N),” is all I say. I don’t make eye contact with him, but I can feel his eyes staring at me.

“Newt… Did you…” Thomas asks, but I cut him off.

“Yeah. I loved her,” I say, looking up at him. I felt a droplet of hot water fall from my eye. It’s silent for the rest of dinner. Then when I finish I walk away from Thomas. I walk over to the doors. I see a couple of the runners come into the Glade from the Maze. Then I see Minho running out of the Maze. He stops when he sees me leaning against the wall.

“Hey, what’s up?” Minho asks, trying to catch his breath. I shrug.

“Thomas asked about…” I trail off, not wanting to say her name, but I know that Minho knows who I’m talking about.

“Newt, I know it’s been tough, but she’s…” Minho trails off as we hear a familiar voice yelling from inside the Maze. My heart skips a beat, maybe even two. I whip my head, to see who was yelling, even though I knew too well who it was. As soon as I saw her, I sprinted into the Maze. Shuck the rules. Shuck the Maze. Shuck everything. It’s hard to run at full speed with my limp. Man I miss when I was one of the fastest people in the Glade.

“(Y/N)!” I scream. I run up to her and she practically falls into my arms. (Y/N) looks exhausted. I pick her up bridal style and carry her out of the Maze. “How are you…” I almost say alive, but then I realize that might sound mean and insensitive. “Here,” I end up saying. Yeah, that’s sounds way better. I glance down at her and see she’s asleep. I hope she’s asleep. I see her chest rise, fall, then rise again. Yeah, she’s asleep. I rush her into the homestead, followed by a group of gladers. I don’t blame them. No one has ever spent a night in the Maze, let alone over a week. Plus she’s the only girl.

(Y/N) Pov

I wake up on a bed. A bed? That means I made it. I’m out of the Maze! My eyes shoot open and I see Newt asleep on a chair, right next to me. His hand is intertwined with mine. I then glance down at my body. I see that my legs are covered in scratches and bruises. I also realize I’m only wearing a pair of boxers and my sports bra. Nice. Then I look up my body. It’s completely covered in scratches and bruises, just like my legs. Then I glance over at my left arm. The one Newt isn’t holding. My eyes widen as I realize it’s gone. My left arm is gone. I kind of gaps under my breath. I just take lots of deep breaths, staring at the spot where my arm used to be. As if my body just realizes it too, I feel a sharp pain on the upper left side of my body. I groan, a little louder than I would have wanted. I hear Newt stir in his sleep, then his head whips up and his eyes widen.

“(Y/N)!” Newt yells, throwing his arms around my neck. I stiffen a bit, from the pain. “I’m sorry,” Newt says, pulling away. He looks a little hurt.

“It was worth it,” I tell him. He smiles.

“What happened out there?” Newt blurts. I take a deep breath and prepare myself to tell the story.

“I was getting attacked by a griever. I barely remember it, but I do remember it slicing off my arm. Then it dragged me...Somewhere. Then I just woke up in my section of the Maze. So I just ran back. I didn’t know how much time went by or what happened to me in that time. I just wanted out,” I explain to Newt. Concern spreads itself across his handsome face. I pull my hand away from his, then touch his cheek with it. “Newt…” I say, trailing off. I don’t know what to say, so I pull him into a long, passionate kiss.

“(Y/N), I thought you were…” he trails off this time.

“Shhh, I’m fine,” I tell him and kiss him again.

“(Y/N), I missed you,” Newt tells me.

“I missed you too,” I reply. Then I crawl off the bed and sit on Newt’s lap. It hurts to move, but atleast I’ll be able to touch Newt. Feel his skin on mine. I lay my head back on his shoulder. Then I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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