Shadow Bass

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Shadow Bass

He played every night. The young man would get on stage and play. He would strum his bass like I’ve never heard or seen before. It mesmerized me how he could do it every night without hesitation. I have never seen his face or heard him talk. But I’ve heard him play and he’s amazing!

I watched him tonight. I saw him get on stage. Then play his heart out. He plays like no one’s watching. I admire his courage. But then when he’s done, no one sees him. It’s like he just disappears. He doesn’t come down to greet his waiting fans, like all the others. He goes backstage and then doesn’t come back until the next night. Tomorrow I will meet him.

The mystery man walks onto stage, bass in hand. I watch him trudge up the the steps. The spotlight turns off as his body fully makes it onto the stage. I get up close to the stage. I watch as he plays delightful songs. I could faintly hear him humming. The shadows of the dark bar dance on his face. The silhouette of his body is the only thing I can make out. I just stare as the strange man plucks and strums. His head bobs as he closes his eyes. I can see him losing himself in the song. I begin to do the same. Before I know it he has finished his mysterious song and rose from his wooden stool, that sits there in the dark. He turns before anyone can see his face. Then he walks back, behind the curtain. People clap. I just stand there wondering what I should do. I decide to take a chance. I leap up on stage and fling open the curtain. I see him. He’s so close. His hair is a dirty blonde color that flops over his face abit. This eyes are a gorgeous brown color that I almost lose myself in. His chin is square and manly looking, but his face seems younger. This man just stares at me. I can almost detect a bit of nervousness in his presences. He holds his bass in one hand and rubs the back of his neck with the other. The confident man who just played his heart out on stage in front of at least 50 people, now seems afraid. He seems afraid of me. Some girl, some fan. How could he be so afraid of me, but not of a bar full of judgmental people?

“Hi,” I say, breaking the awkward silence in the room. The man gives me a forced smile. Then he just looks down at his feet.

“Hi,” he replies to the ground, shyly. I try to get him to look at me. I lean my head so he can see me a bit.

“I’m (Y/N),” I tell the stranger. “I think you are an amazing musician,” I admit. I feel a blush come over my face the instant I tell him this. He lifts his head and stares at me for a while. I use this as an excuse to stare at his mesmerising brown eyes. It felt like an addiction to stare into them. But I wouldn’t want to do anything else.

“Really?” he said, his voice getting smaller and quieter every time he speaks. I give his a confused look. Doesn’t he know.

“Yeah!” I say a little too excitedly. “You are extremely astonishing!” I tell him the excitement flowing through my voice. I smile widely as the young man blushes over my enthusiasm. I just watch him as the color of his face deepened. Then a saw a sparkle around his neck. It was a gold chain. That made me smile even more. He must notice that I was staring at his neck, because he holds part of it in his hand and spins it in his fingers.

“My mum gave it to me for my first performance. I’ve worn it to everyone since. It’s my good luck charm,” the stranger tells me.

“That’s sweet,” I tell him. A blush comes across both of our faces. At that moment I realized, I still don’t know this guy’s name. “By the way, my name is (Y/N),” I say.

“Thomas,” he tells me and I shake his hand. I feel the indents on his fingers from playing the bass.

He pulled his hand away after a while of awkward silence as our hands stayed together.

“Do you want to, maybe, get some coffee or something?” Thomas asked me, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He looked down at his shoes again. I laid my hand on his shoulder which got him to look me in the eye.

“I’d love to,” I told Thomas, smiling from ear to ear. I then took his hand in mine and we walked out the back door. I met the mysterious shadow bass player. The one who I’d lose all thoughts to. The one who made me think more than any other person on earth. The one who I know I will fall for and I have a feeling get my heart broken by. But for now we are just going out for coffee.

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