Bad Relationship Part 2

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Bad Relationship Part 2

I shudder when I hear the first punch. I can’t look so I close my eyes, releasing tears faster than before. I hear Justin groan in pain as Thomas punches again. I can’t stand this anymore. I rush over there, now with my eyes open. I see Justin laying on the ground, holding his cheek.

“You! This is all you fault!” Justin screams at me. I jump back a bit. Then Thomas slings his arm around my waist. I glance up at him, seeing the pride in his smile. Then he leans down and whispers in my ear.

“Lets leave before you get hurt,” he says. I just nod, not able to say anything. Thomas pulls me in, closer to him as we turn towards the door. Then I hear Justin shuffle around behind us. I turn to see what he is doing, Thomas does the same. Out of nowhere Justin grabs my hair and pulls me out of Thomas’ grip. Justin yanks me down to my knees. I scream in agony as tears fall from my eyes.

“She’s mine,” Justin yells, with anger in his voice.

“Let go of her!” Thomas screams, stepping closer to Justin. When he does, Justin pulls harder and I let out a helpless yelp. I feel my head throbbing and pounding with pain. Tears run down my cheeks like a waterfall. Thomas stops moving. He puts his hands up, in the air.

“Okay, okay. Do what ever you want with me, just don't hurt her anymore,” Thomas says, his voice cracking.

Justin acknowledges Thomas’ defeat with an evil sneer and lets go of my hair. I fall from my knees to face first on the carpet. Tears erupt from my eyes. I try to push myself up only to have Justin yank my head back up, by my hair.

“You are gonna want to watch this,” he said slurring like the drunk he is. I feel spit fly off his lip and land on my face, but I’m too afraid to do anything about it. Then Justin pulls me backwards so I’m sitting back on my knees. I shriek slightly. I see Thomas shudder and a tear fall down his cheek as I make eye contact with him. I give him a look that says ‘get out while you can’. He just shakes his head ‘no’. Then I see Justin walk over to Thomas and kick out his knees. I look away as I hear Thomas yell in pain. He lands on his knees and Justin punches in across the face. Thomas then gives me the same look I gave him just a minute ago. I give him the same response. Justin throws another punch, hitting Thomas in the face again. I can’t take it anymore.

“Justin!” I yell, getting up and stumbling over to the 2 boys. Justin turns around violently, glaring at me intensely. Thomas gives me the most concerned look I’ve ever seen in my entire life. He walks up to me with anger pumping through his veins.

“I’m done with you,” I say, pushing him out of the way. And walking over to Thomas, who is still kneeling, now trying to get up. Justin grabs my arm and jerks me towards him, digging his nails into my skin. I yell at the sudden pain.

“No! You don’t decide when you are done! I decide when you are done! And you ain’t done!” Justin yells in my face. Spit flies everywhere. I yank my arm out of his grip. I never knew I had so much confidence. Justin just stands there in shock. I smirk a bit as I help Thomas up off the ground. Then Thomas and I just walk out together, hand in hand. I lay my head on his shoulder as we walk to his motorcycle sitting in my driveway. He hands me his helmet and we drive to a hotel for the night.

I have Thomas sit on the bed as I grab some ice from the ice machine down the hall. I wrap a couple pieces of ice in a towel and hold to Thomas’ sore cheek.

“Ouch,” Thomas says quietly.

“Sorry,” I reply. Then he took my hand away from his face and took the ice out of my hand. Then he just held my hand. With his free hand, he patted the bed for me to sit next to him. I obeyed. He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. i just stared down at the floor. Then Thomas tilted my head so I was looking straight into his eyes.

“Can I tell you something?” Thomas asks. I just nod, mesmerized by his eyes.

“I was kind of glad you texted me to come here. I missed you so much,” Thomas says over emphasizing the word ‘so’. My eyes widen in suspicion.

“I missed you too,” I say laying my head on his shoulder.

“No I mean I missed you a lot. You are all I thought of the entire time I was away,” Thomas begins, then I lift my head so I can look him in the eyes again. “Justin doesn’t deserve someone so amazing… Someone so beautiful…So…” I cut him off by laying my lips on his. At first Thomas seems shocked then he deepens the kiss. I sling my arms around Thomas’’ neck and he laid his hands gently on my wist. He pulls away, a little too soon. Then he leans his forehead against mine.

“I love you, (Y/N),” Thomas says. His warm breath hitting my face and making my shiver a bit. Then he starts to kiss my jawline.

“I love you too, Thomas,” I tell him. Knowing he would never hurt me the way Justin did. I lay my head on Thomas muscular chest and slowly my eyes become heavy as I fall asleep in my best friend's arms.

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