The Gift

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The Gift

5 Months Ago

Thomas, my best friend, and I were walking through the mall, glancing at all the store fronts. We walk past a antique jewellery store, with the most beautiful necklace on display. My eyes widened at the sight of this necklace. It was totally gorgeous. It was a gold locket and on the front was a small version of ‘The Starry Night’ with a beautiful pattern around it. I stared through the window for what felt like forever. I just awed at it.

“(Y/N)?” Thomas said. He didn’t notice I had stopped and kept walking. Finally he noticed. “What’cha looking at?” he asks me. I’m speechless, so I just point to the locket. Thomas walks up, next to me, and looks at what I’m pointing at.

“Wow, it’s nice,” Thomas says. I break my gaze with the locket and turn to him.

“Nice? It’s gorgeous! I need it,” I say very dramatically. Thomas furrows his brow, then grabs my hand, pulling me inside the store. We walk through the front doors and I get a mixture of cinnamon and antiquey things. Thomas drags me over to the front desk.

“Excuse me, sir, how much is that locket,” Thomas asks, pointing to the locket. The man walks over to the window and picks it up. Then he walks back behind the counter.

“This is $139.99,” the man informs us. My smile instantly changes to a frown. I don’t have that kind of money. Or really any money.

“Oh,” is all I say. Then the man must see the disappointment on my face because he goes to put it back. “I can’t believe it’s so much,” I tell Thomas. He just nods. His expression looks like he’s thinking something. I just shrug it off.

Now-5 Months Later

I get a knock on my door. I get off my couch and go answer it.

“Happy Birthday!” Thomas yells, throwing his arms up in the air. Then he wraps me in a warm embrace.

“Thanks Tommy,” I say, hugging him back. Thomas lets go and I realize he has a gift, balloons, and a cupcake in a box in his hands. Thomas walks into the kitchen and I follow. He sets the cupcake on the counter and ties the balloon to the back of a chair. Then he walks out of the kitchen, I follow, again. He sits on the couch and I take a seat next to him. He holds a small, red box in his hands wrapped with a big, black bow. I stare at it for a while then I look up at Thomas. He has the biggest smile ever plastered on his face. He’s staring at the present too.

“You wanna open it?” Thomas asks, in his think British accent.

“Do you even have to ask?” I say. Thomas hands me the small box and I take it. I set it in my lap for a second before ripping open the wrapping paper. When I do, I notice it’s a velvet box. Kind of like the ones jewelry is packaged in. My heart beat begins to beat one hundred times faster. A smile creeps onto my face. I glance over at Thomas, his eyes are locked with the gift. I slowly open the box. My eyes fill with tears as I see what’s inside.

The locket.

The locket’s inside the small, velvet box. It’s sitting in there and I can’t believe it. That necklace was so expensive! I feel some of the tears escape my eyes. I pick up the locket and hold it in my hands. I just stare at it for a while. A tear then falls from my eye and lands on the locket. Thomas must have notice because he wraps his arm around me.

“(Y/N), are you crying?” Thomas asks. I look up at him, showing his the tears that have formed in my eyes. Thomas wiped away a couple of tears that fall down my cheeks. “Open it,” Thomas instructs. So I do. I dig my nail into the crack of the locket and push it up. What I see makes me break down for good. I turn to Thomas and throw my arms around his neck and cry on his shoulder. I let every tear I have leave my body. Thomas’ arms snake around me and pull me onto his lap.

“Thank you,” I whisper into his ear between sobs.


(A/N): Okay, so thanks for all the votes, comments and most of all reads! I just reached 14 thousand, which is like the best thing ever! Thanks so much for all the support. I really hope you guys liked this one. I know I did. PS there will be a part 2! Yay! And don’t forget you can send in requests.

Thanks a bunch!

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