Out Of The Maze

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Out of the Maze

Newt holds my hand as when ride in the helicopter to god knows where. My heart beats faster every minute we're here. Newt must notice because he squeezes my hand, calming my nerves. I lay my head on my shoulder and his arm wraps around me, pulling me closer to him. I feel his lips touch the top of my head gently before my eyes begin to drift shut.

"(Y/N)! Wake up, we gotta go!" I hear a familiar voice yell. My eyes shoot open and I instantly sit straight up. My eyes lock with Newt's. He immediately grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. I follow him as he drags me through the desert sand. I can feel the sand seeping into my shoes. I want to stop and pour it out, but I don't because Newt won't let go.

I glance around noticing that there are a bunch of men running beside is. Then they start to yell things, but the wind is blowing so hard I can't hear a thing.

When we finally make it into this enormous build through his huge door, I bend over to catch my breath and to calm my nerves. I feel Newt's hand on my back, rubbing circles with his thumb.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" he asks, bending over to see my face. I lift my head and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just glad we're free." I whisper into his ear. I can feel a smile grow on his face.

"Me too." he relies under his breath. I release Newt from my grip when I hear Minho clear his throat. Newt blushes a bit, but I just give him a glare. Before I can say anything, a man with a rat-like face walks over to us and begins to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone, welcome to your new home between homes. You may call me Mr. Janson." he explains. He starts to turn to lead us somewhere else. I glance at all the guys and see them beginning to follow, but I have second thoughts. Newt gives me a weird look.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asks me, taking my hand in his.

"Yeah, I'm just not totally sure if I trust him." I whisper to Newt. He gives me a slight nod, squeezing my hand.

"Don't worry, (Y/N), let's just see what this place is before we start to doubt their trust." I nod as Newt and I begin to follow the others.

Janson brings us to a large room where a bunch of people in white coats start to poke us with needles and inject us with liquids. All the guys are brought to different cubical type rooms with only curtains as walls.

I get led to an actual room. I can see Newt eyeing up the woman who brings me into the room and starts to close the door. I give him a reassuring smile and nod, telling him I'll be fine.

The woman tells me to lay down and just relax. I do as she tells me. I feel my mind starting to fade immediately. Then I begin to dream of horrible, demented things. Things that somehow seem like deja vu.

I wake up, knowing they weren't just dreams. They are my memories. I quickly curl up into a ball, not seeing anyone else in the room. Then I begin to gently sob, knowing what has happened to my family, my friends, myself. As my sobbing stops, I feel anger start to rage in my body. I will get my revenge on WICKED. I quickly scan the room for a way out. I leap off the bed as my eyes land on the door. I try to pull it open, but it's locked. I take another glance around the room, seeing an air duct. I hurriedly step on my bed to get to the duct. I open the vent and lift my body into the metal duct. Then I shimmy my way through it. I listen intently to try and hear my friends.

I start to hear a loud rattling noise. My heart races and I stay as still as possible. The noise keeps getting louder and louder until I see a figure in the far duct.

"(Y/N)?" I hear a familiar voice.

"Newt?" I whisper, confused. The rattle begins again as Newt crawls closer to me. I can begin to make out his features. His arms immediately fly around my neck.

"I thought I lost you." he whimpers under his breath.

"You'll never lose me." I reply quietly. Then I hear someone clear their throat behind Newt. I expect it to be one of the guys, but it's not. It's someone new.

"Sorry Aris, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), Aris." Newt explains.

"Hey, Aris." I say, apparently a little too loud because Aris shushes me and just waves.

"We should really go Newt." Aris whispers with worry and urgency in his voice. I give Newt a confused look and he returns it with a look telling me he'll explain later. Before I can ask, Newt pulls me through the duct.

Newt slides his body into the light of a room and I follow him. He frantically explains to everyone that we all have to leave. I instinctively follow Newt's orders and help him barricade the door. The others take a little more time to convince, luckily they decide to follow along with what Newt and I are doing. We all get back into the duct as we hear the sound of fists banging on the other side of the steel door that we had tied a sheet to, to keep it closed. Newt and Aris lead us out into a random hallway and we all begin to run, but Aris stops and says he has to deal with something first. We all trust him, but I know it'll be better if someone goes with him.

"I'll go with you." I tell Aris. Newt's eyes go wide. "Newt it'll be fine," I immediately tell him. He opens his mouth to debate, but I interrupt. "We don't have the time to argue Newt. I'll be careful, I promise." I give Newt a look telling him I'll see him soon then crawl back into the vent. Aris must have had lots of practice in these vents because he's very quick and really knows his way around. I try my best to keep up.

When he stops, I almost run into him.

"We're here." Aris states, then jumps down into a random hall. I follow, leaping from the ceiling. Aris check to make sure I'm okay, then begins to run. I'm not too far behind when he stops suddenly at a large metal door with a keypad on the side. Aris takes a card out of his back pocket and slides it through the keypad. The door begins to lift from the floor. I see all the guys turn in the direction of the door and all their jaws drop. I can tell they are all thankful for Aris now. The guys start to race for the door, but all of a sudden it starts to close again. I see all the guys, but Newt sprinting for their life to get under the door. My eyes widen as I see Newt trying to distract a bunch of guys with huge guns so our friends can escape. I know he won't be able to make it alone, so I grab a gun from Minho and run to help Newt. All the guys begin screaming for me to come back and it instantly reminds me of the time in the glade when Thomas ran into the Maze when he wasn't suppose to.

I start shooting rapidly at the men. Most of them are standing behind shields, but I shot a couple in the legs and one in the head. I continue to shoot as Newt turns to see me beside him. Worry filling his eyes. He suddenly grabs my hand and retreats to the closing door. All the guys begin to chant our names, inspiring us to run faster. When the door is about a foot away from closing I know what has to be done. I glance over at Newt and he knows it too. We slow our pace and stop running. Our hands still connected, we watch the door shut. Through the glass we watch our friends with sadness and worry in their eyes. We give them all a reassuring look, telling them we'll be alright and that they must go on without us. They know they have to go too.

In that moment we all just smile at each other, knowing it's the last time we'll all see each other together. A tear rolls down my cheek as the men who just seconds ago, we were shooting at grab our hands and pull us away from the door. I can't help but continue to smile as my friends escape from WICKED for good.

Hey everyone! I'm really sorry about the long break I took. I just kinda stopped writing for a while. Now I'm ready to start back up again! So, if anyone has a request, go ahead and send it to me. I'm really excited to hear what you guys think of this one.

Thanks a bunch!!  

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