Sick Day

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Sick Day

I lay in my bed, curled up in a ball, with blankets folded around me. Even with the heat from the blankets, I still shiver.

My head is pounding and my nose is stuffed up. My throat burns and my body is cold and hot at the same time. I just want to stay home all day, but as I glance at my alarm clock I start to get up, out of bed, for work.

I groan loudly as a cool breeze replaces the comforting warmth that the blankets provided. My head spins as I stand on my two feet. I put my arms out to my sides to regain my balance. Then I quickly stumble over to my closet to pick out an outfit. As I riffle through my clothes, I feel two muscular arms wrap around my waist. I turn my head to see Thomas standing behind me, his arms wrapped around me. He leans in for a kiss, but I pull away. Thomas gives me a puppy dog face after rejecting him.

"I'm sick." I say, sounding really congested. I instantly start coughing. I glance back at Thomas, who has a concerned look on his face.

"Well, then you better get back into bed." he states, before I can say anything else, he forces me back into bed. I don't even try to stop him because I know that's not possible when it comes to my well being.

Thomas holds my hand as I peel back the covers. Then he helps me back into bed and I lay my head on my pillow. Thomas leans over, kissing my forehead. I can't help, but blush at how cute he is. He takes such good care of me.

As Thomas starts to turn around to leave the room, I grab his arm and gesture for him to lay with me. I lift the blankets, letting in a flood of cold air hit my body. My arms shiver as he crawls in bed next to me. My body turns to my back is facing his front. I feel Thomas' fingers running through my hair. My whole being concentrating on the movement of his hand. The way each finger glides through my hair. I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier each time his hand goes from the bottom of my hair to my scalp.

"Sweet dreams, beautiful." I hear Thomas' voice say, barely audible for me to even hear. That's the last thing I remember before my eyes fully shut.

I wake up, confused and still sick. I rub my eyes with my hands and stretch my arms into the air. I roll over onto my back, noticing Thomas isn't laying next to me like he was when I had fallen asleep.

Putting all my weight on my elbow, I prop myself up and glance around the room, looking for Thomas. He's still nowhere to be found. I'm about to get up and look for him, when I see his body leaning against the door-jamb. I give him a small smile before I sneeze.

"How're feeling, honey?" Thomas asks me, as I lay back down on the bed.

"Still sick." I retort. Thomas pushes his body off the door-jamb then walks over to the bed. He sits on the edge of it and feels my forehead like a mother would do to her child. I start giggling at how sweet and cute this is.

"Well, I have water boiling for tea and soup cooking on the stove. So whenever you feel like it, just yell. Okay?" Thomas tells me.

"Are you serious?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him. Thomas nods proudly.

"Oh, and I got you these." Thomas tells me as he grabs a bouquet of flowers off the dresser in our room, that I didn't even notice, and sets them in a vase on my bedside table. I smile at how charming this man is. He really knows how to treat me and how to make me feel better.   

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang