Pay Back

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Pay Back

Thomas Pov

I rush home from filming The Scorch Trials in New Mexico. I have missed (Y/N) so much. She visited once, but said she was really homesick. So, since we finished filming early I decided to surprise (Y/N). I literally run through the airport to get a cab.

I have the cabdriver drive as fast as he can. Once I see (Y/N) and I’s house through the window, I point it out and he pulls over. I pay him then jump out. Sprinting to the front door. I fling it open and the first thing I see is (Y/N) and another man, sitting on the couch. The man is shirtless and so is (Y/N). He has his hands all over her and she hands her lips all over him.

“Bloody hell, (Y/N)!” I scream. (Y/N) whips her head in my direction. I just turn around and run away. She grabs a blanket off the couch and wraps it around herself.

“Thomas! Please! Wait! I’m sorry!” (Y/N) yells, chasing after me. I turn around to face her. I can see she looks very sorry, but that’s no excuse. I’m hurt.

“How could you?” I scream at her. She drops to her knees and cries into the ground. I just walk away.

“Please,” I hear her whimper. I hop on one of my motorbikes in the garage and ride. Ride away from (Y/N). Away from the pain. Away from everything I’ve ever loved.

I ride for hours. I couldn’t decide where to go. I first went to my parents’ house, but I don’t feel like explaining it to them. Then I went to Will Poulter’s house, but he wasn’t there. So I then went to Ava’s new apartment. I walked up to her room on the 5th floor. I felt a couple tears escape my eyes and fall the the floor. I knock on Ava’s door. The door opens, but it’s not Ava, it’s Ava’s roommate and best friend, Isabella. I’ve known her since we were kids, so she smiles at me and moves to let me in. I don’t move. I just stare at Isabella. I just push Isabella against the wall and kiss her. I try to forget about my pain. About (Y/N). And him. I kiss her long and hard. I almost feel the pain empty out through my lips, but deep down I still felt the crack in my heart. I start to lift up her shirt over her head as we stumble into the living room. I feel tears well up in my eyes. I just close them and push the tears away.

I wake up in Isabella’s bed. Nothing happened, we ended up just falling asleep. I lay my hand on my bare chest. I feel the stiffness of my face, where my tears had dried. The pain was like a knife in my gut. A knife that is stuck in me. Everytime I try to pull it out, it grows deeper into my body. I gently get out of Isabella’s bed and slip on my shirt. Luckily she doesn’t wake up. I just hope she won’t tell Ava what happened, but she probably will. I sigh and facepalm myself. I shouldn’t have done that. I hurry up out of their apartment and get on motorbike. I drive for hours. I was heading out of town. I need to get away from the insanity.

I find a secluded area and stop. I jump off my bike and stroll over to a tree. I break a branch off the tree and chuck it as far as I could. Then I fell to my knees and cried into my hands. Then I lift my head and jump to my feet. I look up to the sky and wag my fist in anger.

“Ahhhh!” I scream. I really needed to just scream.

“You okay?” I hear a woman’s voice ask. I whip my head in the direction of the voice to see (Y/N). I gasp under my breath. How did she know I was here.

“How did you know where I was?” I ask (Y/N). She lets out a laugh.

“You always come out here when you get upset,” (Y/N) begins. She starts to make her way over to me. “I’m really sorry. It was a stupid mistake.” (Y/N) admits. I just look away from her because I know if I look too long, I’ll break down. (Y/N) hand grazes my cheek and then she pulls my face down to hers. She gently lays her lips on mine. I don’t stop her. I don’t want to. Fear creeps into my stomach and I think of her with that guy. I pull away and turn my head, looking down.

“Thomas?” (Y/N) says, quietly. Her voice cracking as she speaks. “I need you,” she tells me. I scoff.

“Then what was he for?” I say throwing my hands in the air. (Y/N) stumbles back a bit, shocked at my tone of voice and choice of words. Hurt comes across her face.

“I was scared and alone!” she yells back. This time it’s my turn to stumble back shocked and hurt.

“Well, you could have visited!” I scream at her.

“You know, I would have, but if I can recall last time I barely saw you for ten minutes,” (Y/N) yells, poking my in the chest. “I waited for hours to be with you, when I was visiting you, but you were always so busy,” There were tears streaming down (Y/N)’s cheeks. She drops to her knees and I see a flashback of yesterday. (Y/N) was wrapped in a blanket and dropped to her knees as I rode away, tears falling from my eyes. I fall in front of her, then I hold her against my chest. She throws herself on me and I fall back. (Y/N) falls on top of me and we lay there looking into each other’s eyes. (Y/N) then lays her head down on my chest and I feel my shirt soak with what I assume are tears of joy.

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