Newt: Ben Attacks You

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Newt: Ben Attacks You

I arrived in the glade a couple days ago. I had already found a spot way in the woods to think. I have been going to my spot in the Deadheads everyday, just to think. Today I finished my dinner and went out there for a break from all the boys, the work, and the scary thoughts. I find a nice tree to lean up against and then close my eyes.

I begin to doze off when I hear a stick crack and some leaves crunching under someone’s feet. My eyes shoot open and I jump up instantly. I’ve been very jumpy recently, so I immediately start to shake. Then I see a silhouette. It’s tall and muscular, but I don’t recognize him from a distance.

“Hello? Is someone there?” I ask, My voice cracking. My hands are still shaking, now my knees doing the same. The figure stalks closer, I stumble back a bit, hitting my back against the tree behind me.

“Hello?” I say a little louder, trying to gain as much confidence as I can get. Then the figure gets close enough where I can see his features. It’s Ben, the runner. I haven’t talked to him yet, but Newt told me about him and the other runners.

“Ben?” I say, confused. My back was against the tree and I couldn’t move any further away as he walked closer to me. Then he started sprinting. Right at me. He charged like a bull towards me. I closed my eyes, preparing me for the blow.

Ben had pushed me to the ground and was on top of me. His hands were around my throat. I couldn’t breath. I gasped helplessly. Flailing my limbs with no success. Ben’s nail sunk into my wrists and I felt pain surging up my arms. I tried to yell, but nothing came out of my mouth. Ben must have noticed I was trying to yell because he put one of his hands over my mouth as the other was still gripped tightly around my neck. I use this as an advantage. I make a fist with my hand and punched him straight across the face. He fell off me and I stumbled to my feet. Sprinting for my life, trying to get my breath back while running for my life. I started screaming at the top of my lungs as I saw gladers in the distance. As I made my way out of the Deadheads I noticed some gladers turning their heads my way. I was too afraid to look back to see where Ben was. So I just kept running until I felt arms wrap around my legs. I fall face first as Ben pulls me under him again. I try to crawl away. Dirt gets under my nails as I try to claw away from Ben. I scream so loud, I scare myself a bit. I start to give up feeling all the pain and exhaustion in my body. I close my eyes ready for whatever comes. Then as Ben’s hands make their way around my throat again, I hear a yell coming from a familiar voice. Newt.

“Get off her!” Next yells. I open my eyes just in time to see Newt swing a long stick, hitting Ben in the face. Ben falls off me and I see Fry, Clint, Jeff, and a couple of other gladers leap onto him to stop him from hurting anyone else. I immediately curl up into a ball and cry into my knees. I feel 2 muscular arms take me into an embrace. I cringe, not knowing who it is. Hoping it’s not Ben. Somehow I know it’s not Ben right after that thought. These arms are caring and helpful. Ben’s were murderous and evil.

“It’s okay (Y/N)” a close british accent tells me. I know that it’s Newt. I open my eyes and look up to see Newt holding me close. I lay my head on his shoulder and cry hard into it.

“Love…” Newt said, cutting himself off. I know he wants me to stop crying, but I just can’t. That was the most scaring moment of my life, that I remember. After a while, I stop crying. I look up and see the other gladers have all left Newt and I.

“Newt…” I begin, getting cut off by Newt.

“Shh, you don’t have to say anything, Love,” Newt says. Kissing my forehead. Then he stands up and takes both of my hands in his. Pulling me up with him. My knees are still shaking and I stumble a bit, falling into his arms. He catches me as my hands and face press against his muscular chest. I smile a bit feeling his abs. He helps me up and slings his arm around my shoulders and taking his other arm and wrapping it around the front of my torso. I lay my head on his shoulder as we walk to my room, in the homestead.

We get in my room and Newt helps me lay down on my bed. My tucks me in before sitting on the side of my bed.

“I’m gonna check out your wrists quick,” Newt tells me. He takes my wrists in his hands and examines them carefully. I just then notice that they are both bleed somewhat bad. Then Newt takes his tank top off, ripping 2 rings off the bottom. Then he ties a ring around each wrist.

“Why didn’t you just get bandages?” I ask, smirking a bit. He smirks back.

“I thought this is more romantic,” Newt tells me, leaning in to kiss my cheek. When he backs away from me after kissing my cheek, I stare into his gorgeous brown eyes. I feel myself melting at the sight of them. He stares back, with a slight smirk in the corner of his mouth. He takes his hand and strokes my cheek. I feel the awkwardness coming out as I look down, blushing madly. He lifts my chin so we can make eye contact again.

“(Y/N)...” Newt says.

“Yes?” I respond, smiling a bit as Newt takes his turn to blush.

“You are so beautiful,” Newt tells me. I blush now. Then Newt connects our lips. I feel my hands fly to his hair as I deepen the kiss. Then I feel pain, in my entire body from moving so much. I pull away. I see a hurt look on Newt’s face.

“Sorry, it’s just my body is so sore,” I tell Newt, lying back in the bed. Lifting the covers for Newt to join me. He does and I snuggle into his bare chest. Then my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep with Newt’s arms holding me close.

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