Over Protective Brother

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Over Protective Brother

“(Y/N), can I talk to you,” Thomas, my brother’s best friend and basketball teammate. Their first game had just finished. They have two more games today then they are done. I nod and rise from the bleachers. I follow Thomas outside, in the cold, windy weather. I shiver as the cold breeze hits me hard. Thomas notices and takes off his jumper, handing it to me. I slip it over my black t-shirt.

“Thanks,” I say, quietly. He just nods and pulls me, by the wrist, over to a tree. We sit underneath the enormous oak. Thomas sits close. Closer than he normally sits, when he sits next to me.

“Okay, so I wanted to tell you something. It’s very important,” Thomas begins, his head dropping. Then he pauses and takes a deep breath. I see his chest rise then fall.

“Go ahead,” I tell him. His head rising and his eyes looking straight into mine.

“Alright,” he says, more for himself. “(Y/N), I like you. Not as a friend, more than a friend. I like-like you. Alot,” Thomas confesses. My jaw practically drops to the ground. I’ve had a crush on Thomas since my brother, Elliot, and him became best friends. I see Thomas’ face drop. He looked upset. I lifted his chin, so he would be forced to look me in the eye.

“Really?” I asked. Thomas just nodded slowly. “That’s great, because I like you too,” I admit. His expression goes from extremely embarrassed and disappointed to extremely happy and in love. He leaned in to kiss me, then he stopped and sat back against the tree.

“Why didn’t you kiss me?” I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

“Because I’m a good friend,” he says simply. What does that mean? I reach out my hand and hold his.

“What?” I say.

“Your brother,” Thomas informs me.

“Who cares about my brother,” I blurt. I instantly feel guilty for saying it. I let my head drop.

“I care about your brother. He’s my best friend. What am I going to tell him, ‘Oh, yeah by the way I’m dating your sister’. I’m sorry, I just feel guilty, I guess,” Thomas told me. I squeeze his hand, after realizing I’m still holding it.

“Thomas, would it make you feel better if we tell him together?” I asked. Thomas nods. Then he gets up and holds his hands out to me.

“Wait, now?” I say. “I thought we could just sit…” before I could finish, Thomas yanks me up off the grass. I roll my eyes, slightly, at him. Thomas holds my hand as we walk back inside the gym. Elliot is sitting with the rest of their team watching another game.

“Elliot?” I say, just loud enough for him and only him to hear. He turns towards Thomas and I. His eyes widen and practically fall out of his head. His jaw drops and his expression is a mixture of confusion, arger, and shock. He rises from his seat and walks over to Thomas.

“What the hell are you doing with my sister,” Elliot says, anger flowing through his voice. I feel Thomas stiffen, he opens his mouth, but no words come out.

“Elliot, Thomas and I are dating,” I blurt. Elliot’s anger flares. You can almost see the smoke coming out of his ears. I see him ball up his hands into fists. I flinch as he raises his fist, then stops himself from punching Thomas. I glance over at Thomas and his face shows his emotions very well. I can see the shock and fright in his eyes. I look back over at Elliot, who now seems to have cooled down. He exhales, then glares at Thomas.

“How could you? I thought you were my friend. My best friend,” Elliot says sternly.

“I...I…” Thomas isn’t making this easy.

“Elliot, we came here to tell you that we were dating, before we started. Doesn’t that say anything about Thomas. He wouldn't even kiss me. Thomas wanted you to know before anything happened,” I tell Elliot. He can be such an idiot sometimes. I see Elliot’s expression lighten.

“Tommy, is that true?” Elliot asks, making sure I’m not making stuff up. Thomas just nods. Elliot lifts his hand again. I flinch, thinking he’s gonna actually punch Thomas this time. But he doesn’t, Elliot lays his hand on Thomas’ shoulder.

“Alright, I let it slide this time, but if you break her heart, I will break you,” Elliot threatens.

“I promise you that will never happen,” Thomas reassures Elliot. We all smile at one another. Elliot sits back down, then Thomas pulls me out of the gym, in the hall.

“This is a little overdue,” is all Thomas says. Then he attaches our lips. I kiss him back and he pushes me up against the wall.

“Hey, Elliot, I don’t think you’ll like this,” I hear a guy’s voice say. I then hear a lot of kissing noises and ‘ohs’. I try to ignore it until I hear Elliot.

“I gave you permission to date her, not suck her face, Tommy!” I hear Elliot joke. We pull apart and my face goes bright red. I glance at Thomas and he’s smiling widely. Then he leans down and kisses my cheek. I love this boy.

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