Watching Them Dance

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Watching Them Dance

I watch as my friends danced with my other friends. River with Brett, Aly with Trevor, and Rose with Gage. I sat at our table alone. I faked a smile when one of my friends would look away from their dates and glanced at me. I glanced over at River and Brett. River gave me a concerned look, then laid her head on Brett’s shoulder. It looked like she was whispering to him, but I just ignored it.

I hadn’t planned on being alone. My best friend and crush, Thomas, was supposed to come, but bailed last minute. I was so upset with him. I actually stopped talking to him for a couple days. I was kind of hoping he was gonna ask me, but no he’s decides not to go at all!

I looked down at my feet. I had payed so much for my dress and shoes. Thomas didn’t even get to see me in them. Argh! Just thinking about him makes me mad. No not mad, sad.

Finally the song ends, but of course another slow song comes on. I groan internally. I keep staring at my feet, then I see shadows on them, so I look up. All my friends were standing there, staring at me.

“Why aren’t you guys dancing?” I ask, I kind of hear a bit of sass in my words, but I don’t care. Then Brett puts out his hand. He was always the sweetest of the guys.

“(Y/N), do you want to dance?” Brett asks.

“No thanks, I’m fine. You and River can dance,” I say, looking back down at my shoes. Then I feel Brett grab my arms and pull me up. I don’t oblige, I figured that would just cause more problems. Brett puts his hands around my waist. I lay my arms gently on his shoulders. We sway side to side for a while.

“(Y/N), I’m sorry that Thomas didn’t come. I told him that he should,” Brett tells me. Then he pauses for a second. “For you,” Brett finishes. My eyes widen a bit. Does he know? How does he know? River! She must have told him. Brett must see the confusion on my face. “I know she wasn’t supposed to, but River told me,” Brett explained. I rolled my eyes at River’s horrible secret keeping. I still don’t say anything. Brett gets closer to my ear then begins to whisper. “You know I think he likes you too,” Brett says. I scoff.

“Yeah, right,” I say.

“Fine. If you don’t believe me, why don’t you ask him yourself?” Brett says. Then out of nowhere he spins me, but not a normal gentle, easy spin. Nope. He spun me so I twirled out of his grasp and into the arms of another guy.

“Crap!” I said under my breath. More to myself than anyone else. I hoped and prayed that this guy wasn’t a jerk or creep. My back was against this guy’s chest, so I couldn’t see his face and I was afraid to turn around and see who it was. I felt two hands grip my arms. I tensed up a bit.

“(Y/N),” the guy said. I tried to recognize the voice, but with all the people talking and the loud music I could barely hear myself think.

“I’m so so so sorry,” I plead to the guy. He still holds my arms, so that I’m facing Brett or atleast where Brett was.

“(Y/N),” the guy said. This time I could make out the speaker of the voice. I turned slowly to see him. My eyes filled with happiness and sadness. I had mixed emotions. No words left my mouth. Then I was wrapped in the warm embrace of the man.


(A/N): There will be a part 2 just so everyone knows! Thanks so much for all the support. Go ahead and request!

Thanks a bunch!

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara