The Teacher

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The Teacher

Thomas Pov

“How you doing back there, kiddo?” I ask my daughter, Rosemary, as I glance at her through the rear-view mirror.

“I’m good, Daddy,” she tells me, giggling a little as she dances her doll around on her lap. I chuckle a bit myself.

I think about my daughter and her future as I drive her to her first day of kindergarten. I only wish her mother wouldn't have left so we could share this moment. I hold back a tear that threatened to fall from my eye.

“You ready for your first day of kindergarten, Rosie?” I ask in a high, baby voice.

“Yeah!” Rosie cheered, throwing her hands up into the air. I chuckled again and kept driving to the school.

Once we get to the school I help Rosie out of her car seat. Then I held her hand as I she jumped out of the car.

I lead Rosie into the school. As we enter the classroom my attention was taken as I see the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. Her glossy brown hair is pulled up into a messy bun. I watch as she talks to another woman. I just stare for a while. I watch as the woman she’s talking to says something then they both start laughing. A piece of her brown hair falls in to her eyes as she laughs. Her smile brightened up the room.

I was pulled out of  my daze when Rosie pulled onto my hand.

“Daddy!” Rosie whined. I glanced down at Rosie.

“What’s up, kiddo?” I ask her. Her brow furrows.

“Daddy, lets go meet my teacher!” she whines, pulling me over to the brunnette I was staring at. My eyes widen as I realize that the brunnette is the teacher. I gulp loudly and follow Rosie over to the beautiful woman. As we approach the woman turns towards us and my gasp under my breath, seeing her up close. Her face is so soft and kind. The woman crouches down to Rosie’s height and sticks out her hand. Rosie takes it and shakes it.

“Hello, what’s your name?” she asked Rosie.

“I’m Rosie!” Rosie responded.

“Well, hello Rosie, my name is Ms. (Y/L/N)!” she said excitedly. Then she stood back up, to my height. She then sticks her hand out for me to shake. I do as she insists.

“Hello, I’m Ms. (Y/L/N), but you can call me (Y/N),” (Y/N) explains.

“Hi, I’m Thomas,” I say, a little nervous.

“Nice to meet you, Thomas…” (Y/N) said, smile her beautiful smile. Then she glanced down at Rosie. “And you too, Rosie. I’m glad you are in my class. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go talk to some more parents,” (Y/N) said, waving as she walked over to another group of parents. That’s when I said goodbye to Rosie, kissing her forehead and leaving to go to work.


After I get done with work, I drive to Rosie’s school to pick her up.

I walk into the classroom and see (Y/N) finishing up a lesson about the days of the week. I lean on the door frame as she dismisses the class to get their backpacks. They all run past me, going into the hall. I walk in to see Rosie whispering something in (Y/N)’s ear. I saw (Y/N)’s eyes widen and her jaw drop. I walk over to them and raise an eyebrow.

“How was my little girl’s first day of kindergarten?” I ask as Rosie giggles, running over to me. I picked her up and hugged her tight. (Y/N) walks over to us and rests her hand on my shoulder. “So, what were you two talking about?” I ask. Rosie and (Y/N) make eye contact and then both look at me.

“Umm… Rosie thinks that you want me to be Rosie’s new Mommy,” (Y/N) explains. My jaw drops and I almost choke on my own spit.

“Umm…” I say, stuttering a little. I place Rosie on the floor. “Rosie why don’t you go get your things,” I say. Rosie nods and runs out into the hall.

“Thomas is Rosie right?” (Y/N) asks. I glance down at my feet.

“Umm… Maybe…Yeah... ” I stutter. I lift my head to see (Y/N)’s perfect smile. Then she tightens my tie.

“You’re cute,” she tells me and I lay my hand on her cheek, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear in the process.

“You’re gorgeous,” I tell her. Her smile widens and that’s when Rosie runs into the room and wraps her arms around both (Y/N) and I’s legs.

“I told you, Ms. (Y/L/N)!” Rosie squealed! I glanced down at Rosie and then back up at (Y/N). Our eyes met then we both burst into laughter.  

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