Newt: What's Happening Part 3

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Newt: What's Happening Part 3

I hear a knock at the door of the little room I gave birth in just yesterday. My eyes slowly flutter open. I turn to my right and see Newt laying next to me, asleep. I giggle a bit at how cute he looks when he’s sleeping. Then I hear another knock. I glance down at Aspen. Then I plant a kiss on her forehead. Another knock.

“Come in,” I say, not knowing who it is. I must have woken up Newt when I said that because his hand finds mine and he squeeze it.

“Morning love,” Newt whispers in my ear as the door slowly swings open. I turn towards Newt and kiss him quickly as a group of boys walk in.

“Hey (Y/N)!” I hear Chuck say as he runs in. Chuck wraps his arms around my neck and squeezes really tight.

“Hey Chuck!” I say, wanting to hug him back, but I can’t since I’m holding Aspen. Chuck lets go of me and them stares down at Aspen. I do the same.

“She’s beautiful, guys,” I hear someone else say. I lift my head in the direction of the voice and see Minho, Gally, Fry, and Thomas. They are all smiling from ear to ear. Minho is holding a couple of blankets. Gally is holding some baby toys that it looks like he made. Fry has a big pot of soup in his hands and Thomas has a bouquet of flowers in his hands. I giggle at how cute they all look.

“Hello boys,” I say. They all come running over to my bed. I get a hug from each one of them after they all set the gifts if the table next to my bed.

“(Y/N), she looks just like you,” Thomas says, bending down to get a better look at Aspen.

“Do you wanna hold her?” I ask Thomas. He nods his head, excitedly. I laugh and gently hand Aspen to Thomas. He bounces her in his arms.

“What’s her name?” Minho asks as he sticks his head over Thomas shoulder to get a better look.

“Her name is Aspen,” I tell the boys. Then all smile at the name.


16 Years Later- Still In The Glade

“(Y/N), where is that girl? She’s already 30 minutes later than usual,” Newt says, pacing back and forth right outside of the Maze. Aspen has been a Runner for two years now and she was always back at the same time. Except for today. Aspen is late today.

“Newt, she’ll be fine. Aspen’s a tough girl. She’s got your willpower and your strength,” I explain to Newt as I rub his shoulders. Newt has always been an overprotective father. Ecspecially with the whole Runner thing. Newt whips around and gives me a worried look.

“How do you know?!” he almost screams. His words echo through the Maze, bouncing off the walls. Then at that moment I see Abe, the Greenie from three months ago, come running around the last turn. But something is off. Abe is carrying something. No. Someone. I walk closer to the Maze doors, with Newt on my tail. Then I feel a horrible feeling grow in my stomach as I realize who Abe is carrying.

“Aspen!” I scream, running over to the Maze doors. I would’ve ran right into the Maze if Newt didn’t wrap his arms around my waist to stop me. “Newt! Let me go! We have to get Aspen!” I scream. Newt’s grip only tightens. That’s when I hear the loud boom of the walls beginning to close. No! I keep trying to struggle out of Newt’s grip.

“I can’t lose you both,” Newt whispers in my ear. So I gave up and just watch as Abe runs for his life. He quickly slides past the doors and into the Glade. I let out a sigh of relief.

“Abe! Aspen! What happened?” I yell, running over to the two of them. Abe has dropped to his knees, but he’s still holding Aspen close to his body. Abe’s gasping for breath, gagging and coughing. I kneel down next to them. Newt does the same. Abe’s eyes are closed, but I can still see the worry and fright in his features. His eyebrows are knit together and his face looks stressed. I rest my hand on Abe’s shoulder and his head whips up. I can see pain in his eyes.

“Abe, what happened?” I ask as Newt reaches out for Aspen, but Abe pulls away, keeping Aspen in his arms. I glance over at Newt and see anger and hurt on his face. I know Newt doesn’t like Abe because him and Aspen are always in the Deadheads together, alone. I told him that they are probably just friends, but he insisted that they were like us when we were that age.

“I-I t-tried to s-save her, but it attack her anyway,” Abe stuttered. I gulped loudly.

“Was she s-stung?” I say, feeling my tears on the urge of falling. He shakes his head ‘no’. I let out a sigh of relief. Then I turn to Newt and see him staring down at Aspen. His eyes are filled with pain. This is the reason Newt didn’t want Aspen being a Runner.

“Lets finish this story after we get Aspen back to the Med-Jacks,” Newt says, sternly. I can hear the anger and irritation in Newt’s voice. I nod and help Abe up. Newt tries to take Aspen from Abe again, but Abe doesn’t let him, again. Newt looks even more angry, but I grab his hand, trying to calm him back down. Abe speed walks over to the Homestead. Newt and I aren’t far behind. I watch Abe carry Aspen into the Homestead and it reminds me of the day Aspen was born and Newt carried me to the Homestead. That’s when I notice the look in Abe’s eyes as he looks at Aspen. He looks the same way Newt looks at me.

Abe rushes Aspen into the Homestead. We scurry in after them. Abe yells for Clint and Jeff. They come running over to Abe as he carries Aspen into the same room she was born in. Abe lays Aspen down on the bed and Clint asks him to leave.

“I’m not leaving her, ever!” Abe replies, taking her hand and holding it his lips for a second. Clint just shrugs. Jeff checks her arms and upper body for any stings. Clint examines her legs. Abe just stares at her unconscious face. He tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. Then I see him crouch down, so his face is by her ear. I watch as Abe whispers something in Aspen’s ear and a tear rolls down his cheek. Newt then wraps his arms around my torso and holds me in his embrace. I lay my head on his shoulder and he strokes my hair.

“He loves her, Newt,” I whisper to him. He pulls me away, so he can see my face. Newt gives me a weird look.

“What?” he whispers back.

“Abe loves her,” I restate. His eyes widen a bit and he whips his head in Abe’s direction. I rest my hand on Newt’s shoulder and his head shoots back.

“Newt, it’s okay… It’s us,” I explain to Newt. He slowly nods, unsure if he’s okay with this. Newt looks a little dumbfounded by my words, but I just pull him into another hug.

“Abe,” I hear my sweet daughter’s voice. Newt and I whip our heads in her direction. Abe’s eyes light up and his lips curl up into a smile.

“Aspen!” Abe says, throwing his arms around her neck. “Thank God you’re okay!” Abe exclaims. “I thought I lost you,” Abe tells Aspen. Then he caresses her cheek with his hand.

“Abe, I love you,” Aspen replies, then she rests her hand on his neck. Aspen pulls Abe closer to her, closing the gap between them. Her lips press against his. Newt jerks forward, ready to pull Abe away, but I stop him.

“Newt, he’s you and she’s me. Don’t stop them from their love,” I tell Newt. I pull him into a quick kiss. When he pulls away, I saw a smile on Newt’s face.  

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