The T-Shirt

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The T-Shirt

I woke up and quickly took a shower. I decided last night that I was going to go shopping for my sister’s birthday present. Her birthday is coming up and I have been putting it off for weeks now. I hate it when I procrastinate.

Once I got done in the shower I wrapped a towel around my body. Then I looked through my closet to find something to where. I grabbed a pair of light grey skinny jeans, cream cardigan and my favorite t-shirt. My favorite t-shirt is my Newt shirt. It’s black with the word ‘We don’t speak of page 250’ on it. It also has a picture of Newt, with the words of that chapter making up his body. I love this shirt!

I put on my clothes then slip on my black vans. I start to walk out the door, grabbing my purse, that was hanging on the coat rack on the way out the door.

I walked out into the hall of my apartment. Then I walked down the hall, to the stairs. I made my way down to the entrance of my apartment. I begin walking down the street. I glance into all the little shops. I find one that has a lot of cute clothes, so I walk in. I walk down each aisle and hold my hand out, touching every piece of clothing. I have no idea what to get her.

I end up leaving the store empty handed.

I keep on walking down the street. Why can’t I find anything?!? Where should I go now?!? Slowly, I walk into store after store with no luck.

Then I hear a british accent from next to me.

“I like your shirt, love,” I turn to see the one, the only, Thomas Brodie Sangster.

I practically died. Oh my God! This is kind of embarrassing. I’m wearing a shirt with him on it, in front of him.

“Umm… Umm… Thanks…” I stutter. I’m lucky I even got that out. I hear Thomas chuckle.

“So you’re a fan?” Thomas said. He sort of asked, sort of stated.

“Umm… Yeah!” I say, a little too excited. “Like that’s even a question!” I practically yell at Thomas. Thomas chuckled again.

“Would you like to get some coffee with me, love?” Thomas asked. I practically fainted.

“Oh my God! Are you serious?” I asked. Thomas smiled and nodded. I totally fangirled all over the place. Thomas grabbed my hand and pulled me into a small cafe. I giggled uncontrollably at my dream coming true.

One Year Later

I shower after a long night with my boyfriend. I put on my Newt shirt and some short shorts. Then I walk out of the bathroom, into the bedroom.

“Oh my God, love, I can’t believe you still have that shirt,” Thomas says, looking up from his phone as I crawl into bed.

“How could I get rid of it!?” I say, throwing my hands in the air. Thomas rolls his eyes at me and I punch his shoulder playfully. Then Thomas looks deep into my eyes, before attaching our lips for a long passionate kiss. I love his kisses. Each is like the first and each feels like it will never end.

“I love you,” Thomas tells me. I kiss him again.

“Love ya too, babe,” I say.

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