The Baby Project 2

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The Baby Project 2

I hear my phone ring. Argh! I roll over in my bed, not even bothering to open my eyes. I feel around on my bedside table for my phone. Finally my fingers feel the coolness of the screen. I pick it up and slide the screen, answering the call. I press the phone up to my ear.

“Hello?” I say, groggily.

“(Y/N), it’s Azalea! I need help!” I hear a flustered Thomas say from the other end. My eyes shoot open. Oh no, what did he do?

“Thomas, calm down, I’ll be there in five,” I tell him as I slip on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt along with my boots. I quickly sneak out of the house. Then I climb into my car and drive to Thomas’ house.

I pull into his driveway and walk up to the front door. Before I can even knock, Thomas whips open the door. He’s holding our crying doll with one arm and he has a bottle to her lips with the other. I glance up at Thomas face. He looks scared, frustrated, and nervous. Then his lips curl up into a smile.

“Thanks for coming,” he says, as I take Azalea from him and lay her head on my shoulder, bouncing her whilst trying to burp her. Thomas always forgot to burp her. I walk into his house, with Thomas on my tail. “I already tried burping her,” Thomas blurts. I turn to look at him and give him a smirk whilst rolling my eyes.   

“Sure ya did,” I laugh. He crosses his arms over his chest and at the exact same second Azalea stops whining. “See,” I say, smirking like an idiot.

“I did try it!” Thomas exclaims, throwing his arms up in the air.

Before I knew it, Azalea fell back asleep. I laid her in her car seat then sat down next to Thomas on the couch. I flash back to about a week ago when Thomas kissed me. We haven’t really done anything about it… Yet. I feel Thomas scoot a little closer to me. At that moment, I feel all my tiredness start to consume my body. I have no more energy. I feel my eyes getting heavy and my body relaxing. Crap, I better get home.

“Thomas, I’m tired. I better get going,” I say, rising from the couch. I feel his hand wrap around my wrist.

“You are way too tired to drive yourself home. Why don’t you just stay here tonight. My parents are away for the weekend, so…” Thomas trails off. I just shrug. He’s right though. It’s dangerous for me to drive, being so tired. Then I nod. Thomas’ eyes light up. I pull out my phone and text my mom, telling her I’m spending the night with a friend and I’ll be back in the morning. Thomas runs off into another room as I sit back down on the couch.

After a while Thomas scurries back in with an armful of blankets and pillows. He drops them all on top of me. Then he playfully jumps on the couch next to me.

“What are you doing?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

“I’m gonna sleep out here with you. It’ll be like a sleepover!” Thomas says, a little too excitedly. I laugh at how much of a dork he is. That’s when I remember I’m wearing jeans. I groan in my head.

“Can I… Umm… Borrow a pair of sweats or shorts or something?” I ask, not making eye contact. I hear Thomas chuckle a bit, then he runs back out of the living room. Returning a minute later with a pair of his shorts. He throws them at me and I thank him before walking to the bathroom and changing.

I walk back into the room and see Thomas curled up in a ball, under a mountain of blankets. I laugh and run over to him. I climb onto the couch so that I’m facing Thomas. Then I crawl underneath the large quilt. I feel Thomas’ cold feet touch my leg. His touch sends a chill down my body. I pull a blanket up to my chin before beginning to close my eyes. I shiver a bit. It’s pretty cold in here, even with all these blankets.

“Are you cold?” I hear Thomas ask. His voice is very hoarse. I just nod whilst my teeth chatter. Then Thomas crawls across the couch, to my side. He lays next to me and wraps his long, muscular arms around my body. He pulls me close to his body, so I have no choice, but to lay my head on his chest. I’m not complaining though. It felt nice. He felt nice. Then Thomas leaned down and kissed the top of my head. He’s so sweet.

I could feel Thomas’ abs beneath my head and I could hear his heartbeat. It was beating rapidly, but constant. Slowly my eyes become even more heavy. So heavy that they start to burn if I try to keep them open. I decide to just give up, so I let my eyes shut. I fall asleep to the sound of Thomas’ heartbeating and breathing.

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