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Thomas Pov

I sat next to my mate, Alex. I see (Y/N) walk by, so I wave. I start smiling like an idiot as she waves back. I’ve had a huge crush on her since last year, when we became really good friends. I feel Alex nudge me in the shoulder.

“Hey, Tommy, are you and (Y/N) dating?” Alex asks. As he says this, (Y/N) starts to walk closer to us. I whip my head in his direction.

“What!? Why would you ask that?” I ask, maybe a little too loudly and nervously.

“Cause you two are always together and all over each other,” Alex chuckles and I roll my eyes. Trying not to show my true emotions.

“Hey guys! Whatcha talkin about?” (Y/N) asks, I whip my head back in that direction. A nervous grin appears on my face.

“Um… Nothing…” I say. (Y/N) furrows her brow and tilts her head a bit in confusion.

“Really? Cause I swear I heard Alex say my name,” she says, snooping her way into the conversation. I rub the back of my neck self-consciously.

“Um…” I begin, but Alex interrupts me.

“I just asked Tommy if you two were- Umph…” I elbow Alex in the stomach and he stops talking.

“Tom, what’s going on?” (Y/N) asks, moving all her wait on her right leg, popping out her hip. Then she puts her hands on her hips.

“Alex, could you leave us to talk, alone,” I ask him. He winks at me then stands, leaving (Y/N) and I alone. Then she sits next to me and lays her hand on my thigh.

“Tom, what’s up? You’ve been acting really weird this past month. Ever since I broke up with my boyfriend,” (Y/N) says. I just look down at her hand that rests on my leg. “Tom… Please just tell me,” she says in her sweet voice. That’s when I force myself to look up. I look up into her eyes. Her perfect gray eyes.

“I… We were talking about us… Our relationship… Alex asked if we were dating…” I explain, stuttering quite a bit.

“Why was that so hard for you to tell me?” (Y/N) asks. I take a deep, ragged breath. Then I move my hand from my lap to her hand that still rests on my thigh. Slowly, I move my head up, so I can see her face. I grab her hand and squeeze it tight with both my hands.

“Because I wish we were dating,” I finally say. I breath out a sigh a relief, knowing that I got it out. Then I let my head fall, so I don’t have to look her in the eyes. My deepest fear, but also the secret that was eating me alive.

I still don’t look at her. I’m too afraid. I’m afraid of rejection and of losing the best friendship I’ve ever had and probably ever will have.

“Really?” (Y/N) asks. I nod solemnly.

Thats when I feel a pair of soft lips reach under my lowered head and kiss my own lips. I lift my head a bit and realize (Y/N) is kissing me. I don’t know what it means, but I’m glad that her lips are finally touching mine.

I pull away after a while and look at her expression. I try to read it, but I can’t. She has no expression at all. And even if she did I wouldn’t be able to see it since her hair is in front of her face and her head is drooping.

“(Y/N)?” I say after a long awkward silence.

“Yes?” she replies. Her head still hanging low.

“Why’d you do that?” I ask.

“Because I heard everything you and Alex said. And I just thought I should take a chance,” she explains. I feel my faced turn a bright shade of red.

“Was it worth the risk,” I ask. Finally she lifts her heavy head.

“Totally worth it,” (Y/N) said, smiling and chuckling.

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