The Interview

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The Interview

Thomas’ Pov

I get ready for my interview with Ellen in my dressing room. I always get really nervous before going on talk shows. I’m quite a shy guy. I slip on my blazer and look myself in the mirror before hearing a knock on the door.

“Mr. Sangster you’re on in 5,” the woman with a headset tells me. I nod slowly. My palms begin to sweat. I shake my head and get ready to go.

After about 4 minutes, the woman comes back and I follow her to the backstage area, where I have to wait for Ellen to introduce me. I listen intently as Ellen talks.

“Alright now I have a really special treat for you guys!” she begins “The handsome, talented Thomas Brodie Sangster!” she finishes with excitement in her voice. The woman with the headset gives me a nod and soft smile. I walk onto stage with a somewhat fake smile on. Ellen hugs me and I hug back, then we both sit down.

“Welcome Thomas!” Ellen says, with a genuine smile. I smile back.

“Thanks for having me,” I respond.

“So, I bet everyone knows by now that you just got done filming The Maze Runner! And now you guys are starting The Scorch Trials! Wow, that’s so amazing” Ellen starts the conversation.

“Yeah, I really excited! I really love the cast and hanging out with them. They have become family,” I say. Then I hear a chorus of ‘Aws’. I smile at that.

“So, Thomas, tell us about your character,” Ellen says after the ‘Aws’ died down.

“Well, my character Newt, he’s kind of the ‘nice guy’ in the glade,” I begin “It’s not that hard to play because I’m kind of playing myself, just in a different world,” I tell Ellen. This isn’t a lie. It wasn’t that hard and Newt does kind of remind me of myself in many ways.

“Really? So you are a nice guy? Hear that ladies,” Ellen says. I hear loud shrieks from the girls in the audience. I smile shyly and blush a bit. Great! Now I’m blushing!

“I’ve also heard that you are kinda a bad boy. Is this true?” she says smirking.

“Yeah, I guess so. I ride motor bikes and wear leather jackets sometimes, but I don’t act like a ‘bad boy’,” I say, putting air quotes around the words bad boy. Ellen smiles so wide.

“Wow, this young man just keeps getting better and better,” Ellen says. I blush again when I hear a another chorus of young women.

“Alright now lets get to my favorite part,” Ellen said. I give her a confused look.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“So we want the details about that on screen kiss with (Y//N) in The Maze Runner,” Ellen says unexpectedly. I feel myself blush uncontrollably. My palms start to sweat a bit. My knees shake a little. Ellen must notice because she puts her hand on my knee and giggles a bit.

“So…” Ellen says, wanting me to answer.

“Um… Well (Y/N) is the nicest, prettiest, most amazing person I’ve ever met and we are pretty close since this wasn’t the first movie we were in together. She also played Lily in Nanny McPhee with me. And we both grew up and live in London so we have a lot in common,” I say, trying not to bring up the kiss. Cause truth is, I’ve had a crush on her since we met while filming Nanny McPhee. We stayed in touch for a long time after the movie, then when I found out about the role of Teresa for The Maze Runner, I called her immediately. We even flew to the States together for the audition. I just hope she doesn’t know that I have a crush on her.

“Thomas?” Ellen says, waving a hand in front of my face. I snap out of my trance.

“Yes? Sorry,” I say, blushing madly, again.

“So, what about the kiss?” Ellen says, I was hoping she wouldn’t.

“Well, it was… good,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. I really hope (Y/N) doesn’t see this either.

“Just good?” Ellen pushes. I sigh and shake my head ‘no’. Her eyes widen and she looks intrigued by my sudden change in emotion.

“Well, tell us,” Ellen urges. I give her a small smile and gulp loudly.

“Truthfully,” I begin “It was the best kiss I’ve ever had,” I say, now blushing like crazy and smiling uncontrollably, just thinking of (Y/N). I hear the the girls swoon.

“Really?” Ellen says, raising an eyebrow at me. I nod slowly, but surely. “So do you like her?” Ellen asks. I know what she means. She’s asking me if I have a crush on (Y/N). Which I definitely do, but I don’t her to know and definitely not from watching it at her house or in a youtube video! What should I say? I feel panicky. Ellen tilts her head and stares at me, with suspicion in her eyes. There has been a long, awkward silence. So I decide to come clean.

“Yeah,” is all I say. I immediately regret it. Half the girls in the crowd jump for joy the other half is balling, wanting me for themselves. Ellen’s smile widens emsley.

“Have you told her?” Ellen asks, leaning closer to me.

“No,” I reply. Looking down, nervously.

“I see,” is all she says “Well that’s all the time we have today! Thanks Thomas!” Ellen says as she stands and I do the same. We hug and she leans close to my ear.

“Tell her,” she whispers. I smile nervously. I nod and walk off stage. I hurry to my dressing room. I’m going to call (Y/N) right away. I grab my phone and turn it on. I see that I have one new message. It’s from (Y/N). My heart skips a beat. She must have seen the show. I open the message, crossing my fingers. I read the message and a smile comes across my face.

I like you too Tom


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